Have you heard about the latest morning drink trend that people are loving immensely?

We are talking about MUD/WTR, which is said to be a highly beneficial coffee alternative. Recently, it has gained incredible popularity as people now want to intake only those things that are good for their health.

In this post, we will look into Mud Wtr and its pros and cons. Moreover, we will also give you an easy-to-follow DIY Mud Wtr recipe. With this, you will be able to make Mud Wtr that tastes exactly like the original.

What is Mud Wtr Mushroom Coffee?

Mud Wtr is essentially a hot beverage that is advertised as a healthy coffee alternative. It is composed of natural and organic ingredients used for centuries in various cultures. It only contains 1/7th of the quantity of caffeine that is present in any regular coffee. Hence, it prevents you from getting all the negative impacts that are usually manifested through the excess use of caffeine.