You have the opportunity to view it. Choose clean and tidy clothes, keep it clean and look, and make yourself look smarter. By building basic knowledge, you can only comment on familiar topics and ask wise questions to express your willingness to learn so that you can act wisely. best injectable peptides for anti aging Becoming smart makes people feel good about you and can bring social and professional opportunities.

Let’s face it. You are not modern Einstein, nor are we. are missing some examples of IQ, you can definitely have old friends from Google.

However, just because fingers can grow on the brain should ignore the most advanced methods of “enhancing” external intelligence. Here are some simple tips to ensure that the only genius in the room is you.

One of my favorite words is: “It is better to be quiet and stupid than to talk and get rid of all doubts.”

Unfortunately, sometimes even if you are stretching, you need to talk about a topic. However, there are some ways to make yourself smart and smart. Even if you are not smarter than fifth grade, we have prepared 12 key skills that you can easily practice.


Skip that drink

This is not only they drink. A joint study by the University of Michigan and the University of Pennsylvania showed that just watching people who drink alcohol is enough to make them look less intelligent. We should not think that smart to drink. I think that even without weakness, the link between drinking and cognitive impairment is very complicated.


Put on the glasses

Another way to appear smart before speaking is to wear sunglasses. Psychology Today provides research recommendations that show that people believe that people in nightgowns are smarter

Bottles alone will not work. In order to get the full effect, you need thick glasses. Think of Leonard Hofstadter from the perspective of the “Big Bang”. At the bottom, a large mirror may make you more attractive. But hey, you can’t get all of it.


Keep Your Shirt On

We know that you have worked hard for a whole year to become a metal model and a mannequin, but Peter Andre has appeared for the second time. Professor Kurt Gray found that low-income people (men and women) are seen as emotional and unable to plan and make decisions. This is why they never do Friday sports.


Communicate clearly

If you use thesaurus when creating emails, you may feel timid trying to improve your intelligence view, psychology professor Daniel Oppenheimer (Daniel Oppenheimer) said: “Smart people have good conditions.” “People think: If I say what I say is good, I will pronounce it wisely.” However, Oppenheimer’s research shows that when writing is easy to understand, writers are considered smarter. Speaking loudly to attract people may have different effects. Oppenheimer said: “People associate secrets with evidence.” He added that smart people use long characters in their writing, but their intention is to write clearly. Try to use these beautiful words to make it smarter.


Maintain eye contact

The eye contact in the conversation makes you feel confident, comfortable, and involved in everything you are talking about. the eye makeup, please repeat the makeup of other people’s eyes or eyebrows and then stay there again. You don’t need to look into the eyes of others. This may feel very serious. Instead, try for 5 seconds, then look at other things, and then return to the eyes. Try to up to 50% of the conversation time and about 70% of the conversation time.


Be expressive

There is no doubt that you have heard (or even encountered) people talking too much and don’t look this method works. be a talkative and show you the difference in body and energy levels. If two people talk in same way and talk on the same thing, but one person’s voice is getting louder, then one should judge him as an active, knowledgeable ideological person. Communications expert Leonard Mlodinow told Forbes. . If you cannot understand its meaning, please watch the TED talk.

Ask For Help & Ask Questions

The simplest deception in the book is often the most important. One person can contribute to the dialogue by asking only one question. It will provide you with an external perspective to explore many knowledge needs. This sword, although it must be remembered that it cannot be defeated.

Use a middle initial

John F. Kennedy. Franklin Roosevelt. there were too many people sitting in important positions in the beginning of history, and this may be the reason. Getting started will not only improve your perceived social status, expectations of intelligence and performance. read and evaluate Einstein’s work on the theory of relativity. The authors are believed to be David Clark, David F. F. Clark. · F·P·Clark (David FP Clark) or David·F·P. R. Clark (David F.P. R. Clark). Not only does David F. Clark score higher than David Clark, but David F. P. R. Clark is also higher than everyone else. In another study, select group members. In academic competitions, many people choose to use initials that do not use letters. (This is different from the story of a sports game.) So, if you want to quickly increase IQ sensitivity, start using early letters.

Stand tall and straight

Before, I didn’t understand it, but obviously, tall people are smarter than short people. As a 5-foot-4 person, I find the results of this research difficult. But let’s take advantage! You can use height even if you are not tall. A beautiful appearance can show your strength and control, so if you want to impress someone, make sure you stand upright or upright.

Smart looking teacher

Make graphs

Cornell’s research shows that if people use graphs, they are more likely to trust the eyes. In a Cornell University study, participants read documents about the effectiveness of new cold medicines. There is information in the chart. The other did not. Otherwise, they are the same. However, 96% of the participants who read the chart report believed the claim, while only 67% of the participants who read the chart without documentation had the same opinion. best injectable peptides for anti-aging, Therefore, the next time you create a document, paste it into the image. it must be correct.


Stop Swearing

The good psychologist Roberta Galluccio Richardson said: “People seem to think that the value of using bad language for dialogue is not high, and the importance is not very important.” I think we will Change this line to “Guy Annoying Guy”.