If we are not wrong, you already know what Appium is, right? If you don’t, we must say that it is an open-source test automation framework whose primary goal is to inspect mobile, web, and other applications developed for Android and iOS operating systems. It doesn’t matter whether you run a banking company, media agency, or even an ecommerce business; you can’t deny the importance of having a beautiful and butter-smooth app. Do you know why? It’s because online users feel it “more-convenient and easy to interact with a mobile app than a website. “What’s more” – having just an app for your business doesn’t guarantee it will do the trick. Do you know the reason behind this? It’s because your app’s features, functionality, and usability matter too. That means it is necessary to ensure your app works well on the user’s end to deliver a great UI/UX experience and encourage them to come back for more. Thus, you need to use the Appium Desktop Application for sure when it comes to your app testing needs.
“But why do we need to count on Appium Desktop Application instead of Appium for our app inspection needs?” you might ask. Well, there is a solid reason for that, and we hope you will understand that when we will brief you about Appium Desktop Software below. So, let’s see:
What is Appium Desktop Application?
Appium Desktop is an open-source application for the three most popular operating systems, i.e., Linux, Windows, and Mac, to let you utilize Appium automation server for mobile and other apps testing. And do you know who has developed this software? The Appium contributors at Sauce Labs.
The prime objective of developing Appium Desktop Application is to make the interaction with Appium software a lot easier than what you are “familiar with.” And to do that, the Appium Desktop developers have embedded all the core components of Appium in a GUI that allows testers to create and update mobile testing scripts faster. If you don’t know what GUI means here, we must tell you that it stands for Graphical User Interface.
With that over, it’s time to “take a look” at the app testing method with Appium Desktop Software. So, let’s see:
How to examine an app with the new Appium Desktop Software?
Before that, let us tell you that the new Appium Desktop contains a fresh graphical user interface written in React, Redux, and Electron software frameworks. What’s more? They got redesigned with three different parts, i.e.,
- Simple
This tab allows you to change the default host and port when needed.
- Advanced
This button allows you to control some general settings, such as:
- Log path
- Node path
- Log level
- Session
- Timezone
In addition to that, you can also modify the default bootstrap and Selendroid port just like the ChromeDriver port and path for the Android operating system and WebDriverAgent for iOS OS.
- Pre-sets
It lets you make any change you want and save that for future use.
Now, have a look at various steps for app testing through Appium Desktop:
Step 1: First, you need to hit the “Start New Session” button after starting the Appium server. A new window will appear on your screen the next moment.
Step 2: Now, you can see four options on your computer screen, i.e.,
- Automatic Server
In this section, you can add your Desired Capabilities to launch any application and then configure it in a “localhost.”
- Custom Server
In this part, you can add your Desired Capabilities to launch any application and then configure it in a remote host.
- Sauce Labs
It lets you start a new session in the SauceLabs environment.
- TestObject
It lets you begin a new session in the TestObject environment.
A “crucial thing” you need to remember here is that you must set the Desired Capabilities by entering the name and type in the Appium window to start and after inspecting any application. It could be anything like text, boolean, file path, number, or JSON object.
You can also save these Desired Capabilities as Pre-sets and use them for the options mentioned above, like Automatic server, Custom server, Sauce Labs and TestObject.
Step 3: You need to initiate the session with your Desired Capabilities set by clicking the “Start Session” button.
Step 4: After doing that, you can test any iOS or Android app that you want.
So, this is all “what” you need to do to become able to examine the app you want with the new Appium Desktop Software.
Concluding remarks
We hope you learned several vitally essential things about Appium Desktop Software in this content piece, whether definition or the method to test Android and iOS apps. So, if you want to examine your mobile or web application now for better functioning, be sure to get in touch with the most experienced mobile app testing team in the USA.