Although pest attackers are a common phenomenon in gardens and outdoor stretches, there’s no denying that most experienced houseplant owners struggle with indoor attacks as well. It would be best if you could keep a keen eye on the houseplants for the pests. Once you notice their presence, you should immediately get into reactionary mode to counter the threat. Or else call a pest control company for help.

Why Are The Leaves Mottled On The Upper Surface?

You could have houseplants with mottled leaves due to mite damage. It’s essential to mention that mites are one of the most common threats to houseplants. They typically thrive under warm and dry conditions, whereas they struggle with moist locations.

Organic vs. Chemical Control

It would be best if you take the eco-friendly route for pest eradication and control first. This is due mainly because you shouldn’t be spraying chemicals all over your place unless it’s the only option left. Factually speaking, if you are keeping plants indoors, you automatically restrict or eliminate the use of organic pest control Dubai.

The Common Pests

  1. Aphids / Greenfly / Blackfly

It is essential to mention that Aphids suck sap typically from the young soft plant growth, flowers, and tips. Aphids tend to remain off-grid (mostly behind plant leaves). Furthermore, they are generally green and commute in tiny but rapidly- reproducing colonies.


Aphids are generally found in groups which will help you to spot them. You must always look for sticky honeydew deposits or the grey or white “husks” of the pests littering the soil. They can often contribute to plants developing viruses or infections as well.


You could effectively control the breeding of Aphides with warm soapy water. Simultaneously, you could also choose a chemical treatment as it’s a gentle solution as well. Additionally, you can beat them by squashing them with your fingers.

  1. Centipedes / Millipedes

Insects like Centipedes and Millipedes are arguably beneficial pests when living outdoors in the backyard. The former tends to hunt down inferior insets and other pests, whereas the latter tends to rely on organic matter like dropped leaves. They are also known by the names “worms with legs” or “worm bugs.” It would be best if you could run across these critters at intervals.


It’s essential to mention that both Centipedes and Millipedes cause minor damage to plants. Furthermore, it’s easy to spot them as they are mostly crawling about. They tend to be active once you have watered the soil, thereby disturbing it.


More often than not, you will come across a couple or two at most. Act immediately to get them out of the soil to send them outdoors.

  1. Mealybugs

It’s essential to mention that Mealy bugs are biologically interlinked with Scale insects. They tend to damage houseplants by sucking the sap. Structurally, they have a large build for pests while also drawing similarities due to their furry white woodlice. To put it simply, this particular species dwell in groups together. You don’t act fast; they will hamper your plant’s health, thereby causing the plant’s leaves to turn yellow and eventually drop off.


It’s easier to notice the insects with your naked eyes before identifying the symptoms of their damage to the plants. It would help if you always were on the lookout for groups of mealy bugs beneath the leaves and the leaf joints. If your plant is struggling with mealy bug’s infestation, it will bend down with a dehydrated look. Furthermore, it could also lose leaves much faster than your anticipation. Sticky honeydew residues also give away the exploits of mealy bugs.


Your immediate choice of action should be to knock the pests from the plants by poking, shaking, or using water. However, if your infestation situation is more extensive, you should try replicating from the Aphid treatment technique.

  1. Red Spider Mites

Lastly, it’s only essential to mention that red spider mites top the list of most feared houseplant pests. There’s no denying that red spider mites cause minimal damage to plants. However, they pose a specific threat in removing.


There’s no denying that sticky webbing is one of the most telling symptoms of red spider mites. Additionally, you could also consider mottled leaves on your plants with brown dots as a direct indication of this particular infestation.


It’s essential to mention that spider mites don’t necessarily prefer damp or humid conditions. The pests take considerable time to leave the plant body altogether. However, you develop a pattern of cleaning your plants with warm water; it can wash off the webbing, thereby reducing the spider mite steadily.

Contact – Blackhorse Pest Control Dubai