Perhaps the most important aspect of writing or editing an article from a search engine optimization (SEO) perspective is finding the right target keywords (key phrases). This can be one of the toughest SEO tasks for a content manager. But if the keywords are chosen correctly and they are translated into well-written, useful and interesting content, then your article will rush to the first page of the search engine rankings!
A key phrase can be from two to four or more words. Word forms up to 12 words take up a fairly large amount of search visibility. While you can fit a couple of key phrases into a long article title, you still need to decide on the main target phrase that best conveys what the article is about and thus emphasizes more than other key phrases.
In addition to the importance of getting a page to the TOP, there are at least three other reasons why the selection of a target keyword is very important:
- It will make up a significant part of your headline, and this first part of the article should hook the potential reader in those first seconds of his attention!
- Those keywords that will not be included in the main heading (secondary key phrases), you will distribute in subheadings, which in turn will improve the article, and give the possibility of wider visibility in the search engine indexes.
- Keyword research and research will give you an idea of how your potential audience thinks and searches for information, which will make you a better editor, author of the article.
Below, step by step, we’ll go over how to choose the best target phrase (keyword).
Once you have a headline with a strong targeting keyword phrase, don’t consider your SEO copy work done. What you learn from your keyword research process, apply throughout the writing or editing process to improve article readability and findability.
The ultimate goal here is not only to bypass the algorithms of search engines, but also to make the article better and more easily accessible to your potential audience.
What is its main theme? What is its main benefit to the reader? What questions does she answer?
Example: An article on the advantages and disadvantages of cork floors: why they are harmless, what are the pros and cons for different rooms in the house, different color and texture options, how much it costs, etc.
Before turning to keyword research tools, ask yourself how you would search for an article on the topic. Sketch several phrases of varying length, but no shorter than two words.
Example : cork flooring, cork flooring cost, are cork floors harmless ?, cork flooring options.
My favorite resource for this is the Google Keyword Planner. There are numerous keyword research tools with many different options. Some of them are free; some don’t. There may be options when you need to study competitors, then additional resources will help. If you need to collect a complete semantic core for the site and cluster it, then additional services will help.
Log into your google adwords ad account ( ). If not, create a new one. Once opened, start by typing the best phrases from your brainstorming list into the Word or Phrase field.
Leave the Website blank if you don’t want to be limited to keyword results that drive traffic to your website.
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At the top of the results list, you will see the phrases you typed in. Below is a list of related phrases. The columns to the right of the phrase show search volume and trends, and there are several options for sorting and customizing information. Check these settings.
The most important metric is the monthly request rate.
Choose the best options based on frequency and related phrases that truly reflect what the article is about. Avoid phrases that are not natural in speech, because they will be difficult to translate into headings and texts. You may need to repeat step three and four a couple of times to find good phrases, but you may succeed right away.
Example: cork floors (90,500), cork floors pros and cons (5,400), cork floor prices (1,600), cork flooring cost (1,000).
If you are not sure if a particular keyword phrase is relevant to the topic of the article, or if you are looking at words that can mean different things in different contexts, then enter this query into Google search. The result will show you what the search engine considers as relevant search results for that phrase. By googling that phrase, you’ll also see competition for the phrase (how, who and how much).
Resist the temptation of large numbers. I know that in the previous point I said that you need to focus on the frequency of requests per month, but working with short high-frequency keywords is very difficult. Your chances of ranking on the first page will be higher for a more specific phrase that gets less search activity. It is much better to be the first to search for a query that receives a couple of thousand queries per month than to be on page 19 for a query that receives several hundred thousand searches per month.
The trick is to find the keywords that most accurately represent what the article is about, and then use the numbers. I have found that, for newbies to SEO, choosing one phrase from multiple choices is the hardest part of content optimization and that the temptation of high frequencies is very hard to resist. It is really important to be able to focus on the relevance of phrases and use different search frequencies.
After you’ve researched all of your keyword phrases and are still undecided about your options and / or are tempted to pick a super high frequency search engine, try this: Study your website’s keywords using Google Analytics.
Look at the frequency of incoming keywords for your site, and then enter those phrases into the Keyword Tool. Then compare their frequency and the number of visitors they actually bring to your site. You might be surprised that some of the top performing queries for your site do not have high frequency with the planner statistics. Low-frequency users are more targeted queries and users who enter them are more “hot”.
While HF (tweeters) have a much larger search volume, more specific keywords (MF – midrange and LF – woofer) are introduced by more interested and determined users. In short, when people enter short and general phrases they are in early research mode and will likely refine their query right away to find something more specific. When people search for more specific phrases, they are closer to “conversion,” which is any of the following: read an article, share on Facebook, subscribe to a newsletter, subscribe to a magazine, etc.
Today, bass ranking is more important than ever. People are becoming more search engine savvy at the same time that the amount of information continues to expand exponentially. Almost 60% of search queries are from three or more words, and the fastest growth in the number of queries is observed from six to seven words!
If your goal is multiple keywords, shorten the words within the title. A win-win and convenient scenario when you can turn a broad phrase into a more specific key phrase.
Example: “cork flooring pros and cons” effectively covers both the phrase “cork” and “flooring”.
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Finalize your main headline. Tip: It’s best to start your headline with the most important keyword phrase. Place it as close to the beginning of the heading as possible. A strong keyword phrase at the beginning of the headline will be an additional accent for search engine algorithms. It will also grab the attention of readers when they see the exact same phrase they were looking for in the title on the search results page.
Keep in mind that your final headline should be clear, attractive, and natural. The last thing you can do is a sullen headline, which will make the reader strain their brains to understand something.
In order for the article to rank well for the query we have chosen, you need to repeat this query in the text of the article itself. Tip: Repeat your key phrase at least once in the first paragraph. Then spread over the rest of the section.
There is no specific magic number of repetitions – too little or too much will depend on the context of the article and on what the search engine considers natural. Generally speaking, it should be repeated at least three times: in the introduction, in the middle and in the conclusion. See it natural.
Distribute other important key phrases in article subheadings, body copy, etc. Follow the same principle as with the main heading. In the process, you may discover new ideas for subheadings and their number.
Examples: “cork flooring durability”, “cork flooring installation”, “cork flooring prices”, etc.
All this may seem like a long and complicated process, but with practice, you will find that the whole process is generally simple for most topics. Each time you do this, you will be faster and you will learn something new.
The payoff can be overwhelming – 15 to 30 minutes of work can lead to thousands of readers for your article. Plus, you’ll become a better writer / editor because you’ll be more in touch with your audience.
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