If you are already going to buy a bulletproof vest, then before you do this, you should thoroughly brainwash and imagine what kind of shit … set aside, what kind of danger you are going to face. The dangers are different, hence the greatest variety of body armor. The tips below will hopefully help you understand both the first and the second. Check more about body armor at the https://primearmor.us/


Remember, the most basic protection of a soldier is his training, experience, reaction, ingenuity, agility, speed! Only they can help preserve life and health in a real battle. As for the means of personal body armor (NIB), in particular body armor, these devices are intended only to minimize the consequences of the mistake made.


Beware of counterfeits! In today’s difficult conditions, body armor has become one of the hottest goods, and, consequently, the number of freaks who want to get rich in this business has sharply increased. Therefore, in order not to be trapped, buy bulletproof vests only from well-known brands and from trusted sellers (best of all, directly from manufacturers). It doesn’t matter if you have to hit the road to another city and even spend a few days in it, because this is not about  some trifle, but about preserving your own life. Now, the best choice is Prime Armor Level IV It fits all criteria of protection and severity. Many Americans use this type of protection!


You should always buy the lightest body armor possible. It is such an armored man that will allow you to get less tired and not reduce the speed of movement, because, as you know, in war there are only two types of soldiers: fast and dead. It has been experimentally established that for an adult man with average physical data, the time of continuous wearing of a bulletproof vest without deteriorating health in normal conditions, depending on the weight of the vest, is: the
weight of the bulletproof vest is up to 3 kg. – 24 hours or more;
body armor weight up to 7kg. – 12 hours;
body armor weight up to 9kg. – 9 hours;
body armor weight up to 12kg. – 5 o’clock;
body armor weight up to 16kg. – 2 hours;
body armor weight up to 23kg. – 1 hour.
It is due to the increase in weight that the US military until  the 1990s years flatly refused body armor with heavy bulletproof plates.


When choosing bulletproof armor panels for body armor, you will have to make a difficult choice between ceramic and steel. Of course, ceramic armor panels are lighter and, most importantly, stronger, which makes it possible to hold even armor-piercing ammunition. But there are many huge “buts” here …

Firstly , there are an uncountable number of fakes and Chinese hack running on the ceramics market now.