Like any other loan, a personal loan also funds your individual financial needs. A personal loan can instantly fund your emergency or financial crisis if you face any, yet it helps you make big-ticket purchases as well. Besides, you can even place a comparatively low-interest loan to streamline your high-interest debts as well as save on monthly returns.

You must be wondering how to apply personal loan? Hence, we would like to suggest some common borrowing mistakes to avoid while you make the most of collateral-free loans. Here are some common do’s and don’ts that you should be aware of before applying for a personal loan.

Common Do’s

  • Compare different lender’s offers to find the best option:

Naturally, the lower interest rates gradually reduce the monthly EMI volume associated with the loan amount. In general, expert financial gurus suggests that a person must consider EMIs within 40-45% of net take-home pay. So, you can pay off the loan amount within the period. For that, you can check the personal interest rates offered by different lenders online to decide the best one.

  • Consider straightforward application modes:

Complicated paperwork can lengthen your loan application procedure, which can beyond question delay your access to funds during an emergency. Hence, we recommend you consider applying online for the personal loan as it asks for minimal documents and allow immediate disbursal.

  • Design a flexible repayment strategy:

When you determine how to apply personal loan, you can check your personal loan EMIs in advance through the EMI calculator and get a previous estimation. It helps the borrower pick a loan amount that suits his payment capability and design a sound repayment strategy. You can choose a lender that allows you to increase your EMIs meanwhile your income increases. It will let you be debt-free quicker.

  • Evaluate the loan terms & conditions:

Many loans come with hidden charges that can extend the credit value. Therefore, you must evaluate thoroughly and verify the processing fees, penalties (in case of delay instalments) and any partial charges for repayment before you apply for the loan.

Basic Don’ts

  • Don’t miss the EMIs:

Missing your monthly repayment can cost you hefty penalties, including it can decrease your credit scores as well as harm your prospective loan eligibility.

  • Avoid obtaining from unauthorized lenders:

You may find extensively lucrative loan offers in the Indian market, yet all are not reliable enough. We recommend considering authentic lenders with the official establishment in terms of availing the best personal loans. It will exceedingly help you avoid any hidden charges and other inconveniences.

  • Don’t appeal multiple times:

People often make mistakes in search of low-interest rates personal loans and end up applying for multiple lenders. But, every time you appeal for the loan, the lender will verify your credit history, which is called a “hard inquiry” that can highly affect your credit score.


Sometimes, people inquire about how to apply personal loan. And due to a lack of proper information, end up making some common mistakes. It is essential to verify the lender’s credentials before applying for the loan to avoid such a situation.