Horimiya Season 2: ‘Horimiya’ is a light romance anime series with a simple premise that will captivate all its viewers. Horimiya is the story of Izumi Miyamura and Kyoko Hori, who transform themselves from secret keepers into lovers. The series premieres on January 10, 2021, and ends on April 4, 2021. The characters receive their diplomas and an incredible ending that could mean: Season 2 of Horimiya isn’t coming. Continue reading more about this or related.
About The Anime Horimiya:
“Horimiya” is a romantic anime story based on the Japanese manga series Shounen, written by Hiroki Adachi under the pseudonym Hero and illustrated by Daisuke Hagiwara. The unusual dynamics between the two characters have conquered the anime world mainly because of their two main characters. Kyoko Hori is calm, lonely, and a little arrogant by Izumi Miyamura. Izumi and Kyoko discover that they are hiding their true identities from their comrades. Izumi is a moderate punk with a few tattoos and piercings, but Kyoko is a person who can be quite hostile depending on the situation.
Horimiya Season 2 Cast:
It’s hard to say who will reappear for a new episode of Horimiya without an official update announcement. Other than that, there’s no more raw material to suggest what might happen in Season 2 of Horimaya. According to Looper, the Season 1 cast includes Kouki Uchiyama as Izumi Miyamura and Haruka Tomatsu as Kyouko Hori. Some students make up the majority of anime members. It is unknown who will replace Hori and Miyamura after they graduate.
• Yurie Kozakai as Momo Asakura
• Yuki Yoshikawa
• Jun Fukuyama as Shuu Iura
• Mao Ichimichi as Remi Ayasaki
• Seiichirou Yamashita as Toru Ishikawa
• Jun Fukuyama as Shuu Iura
• Rei Asakura as Honoka Sawada
Release Date:
We now know that Horimiya Season 2 may not be extended. However, since the event hasn’t been officially canceled yet, there’s still a slim chance that Season 2 will be in production. If the show is slated to resume for a second season, the earliest possible premiere date would be sometime between early 2022 and 2023. However, the show’s return depends on a number of things, including.
Ratings and Reviews:
For any broadcast to continue, it must receive positive feedback and ratings and positive critical feedback. In Horimiya’s case, this was the most important factor. Fans and critics from all over the world loved the show and gave it brilliant reviews. In addition, MAL gave this event a score of 8.26. In the same platform, the anime ranks 182nd in popularity and 253rd overall. In addition, there are already more than 307,000 users. Those numbers no doubt support the anime’s second season.