Mumijo is a tea (Salajeet) created in Java, Indonesia. It is made from the leaves of the Mumoi tree. Traditionally it has been used by the native people as medicinal tea. They have drunk it from ancient times and are continuing to do so today. The disease that is believed to be cured by this herbal tea is called the Urdu-Dewa Disease. It affects the feet. Symptoms include painful feet, swelling, and a burning sensation when the feet are touched. Other symptoms include painful lymph nodes and fever. Sometimes, it causes liver malfunctioning.

There are many herbs that support the immune system and strengthen it. They include Bee balm, Chamomile, Echinacea, Ginger, Kava, Licorice Root, Rosemary, Turmeric, Yam. All these help strengthen the body and make it resistant to disease and infections. They improve the immune system and make it more efficient to fight against germs, fungi, and bacteria. These herbs are used in varying combinations and proportions according to the diagnosis of the patient. They are taken according to the stage of the disease. For an infant, the Mumijo tea (Salajeet) mostly drinks.

The combination of herbs and honey strengthens the infant’s immune system. In the children, on the other hand, they are mainly used to reduce fever. These are also used to increase the immunity of the body and cleanse it from any type of toxins that might cause any type of disease. They prevent and remove any type of allergies and make the body strong again. These natural elements (Salajeet) clean the internal organs of all types of impurities. They enhance the digestive system of the human body. They promote proper bowel movement, regular excretion of feces, regular elimination of waste products, and proper absorption of food.

Mumijo tea (Salajeet) Benefits against different diseases

When the immune system becomes weak due to some reasons, it finds it difficult to fight against germs and viruses. This weakens the body so that it becomes susceptible to diseases. These natural elements restore the immune system by making it stronger. They strengthen the digestive system by increasing the intake of fiber and excretory functions. The herbal plants (Salajeet) are used in their pure forms. They are not mixed with any chemicals. When mixed, they tend to create a kind of paste, which is applied to the sore. This paste is then allowed to dry up and the healing process begins.

It can be used (Salajeet) to treat any type of disease. It can cure fever, colds, rheumatism, ulcers, skin rashes, acne, dandruff, wounds, headaches, colds, indigestion, colitis, and vomiting. It can even heal internal problems like kidney and liver diseases. Mistletoe leaves are used to make tea which drinks every morning. This tea can help cure internal problems and prevent viral and bacterial attacks. The plant is also used in the preparation of Pao D’Arco, which is a tea with a strong odor. This tea is believed to be very strong and should not be consumed with meals.

This tea is used (Salajeet) to increase the immunity of the body so that it can fight off any viruses. Cinnamon is also used in the preparation of Penicillin. This is a powerful antifungal ingredient. It can kill bacteria and viruses. This can prevent coughing and other lung infections caused by fungi. It is also used to help clear the throat and stop cough from recurring. The bark of the Ativan tree is another natural ingredient. Its active ingredients are menthol (a derivative of peppermint oil), eucalyptus (a derivative of eucalyptus oil), and cinnamaldehyde.

Mumijo Tea (Salajeet) cure threatening diseases

These all serve as agents to kill and prevent infection from bacterial and fungal infections. Medicines that fall under the Mumijo (salajeet) category are very powerful. They can cure even life-threatening diseases, like leukemia. They can also be used to treat minor conditions, such as colds and flu. Because of their ability to fight viruses and bacteria, they are sometimes referred to as “superfoods”.