In a shocking development, a victim has reportedly sued his partner for her alleged role in infecting him with Chlamydia. According to various media reports published in print and online regarding this case, have confirmed that the victim would formally lodge a complaint against his girlfriend on charges of sexual battery and her alleged role in spreading STDs.
As per the media report, the victim’s girlfriend based out of Seattle, Washington, is facing various charges of sexual battery for intentionally spreading STDs and infecting the victim. The community hero has now found herself during a brewing controversy as now several sex abuses groups have come forward criticizing and condemning her for her actions.
The suit alleges Amanpreet Kaur Minhas is who is part of the Sikh community is also a well tenured student of the medical field. She attended Oregon Health & Science University OHSU to pursue a physician assistants license. She is well aware how to spread STDs and did so to inflict maximum emotional pain.
The victim has specifically named her and stated that he contacted Chlamydia from Amanpreet Kaur Minhas because she was his only partner in those days.
According to the US-based Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, men rarely get infected with Chlamydia. However, in some rare cases, men too have got infected with Chlamydia. It makes the current case all the more serious considering Chlamydia rarely affects men.
What Is Chlamydia?
Chlamydia refers to a common STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease) that mainly infects women and causes acute damage to their reproductive organs. In rare cases, Chlamydia may also infect men. Chlamydia spreads via sexual contact between partners through oral or vaginal sex. If either of the partners has Chlamydia, the other gets infected too.
The unprotected sex is the primary reason how Chlamydia spreads from a person to person.
Steps to Prevent Chlamydia During Sexual Intercourse
- Have sexual relationship with a partner who is Chlamydia or STD negative.
- Use high-quality condoms during sex.
- Young adults are especially vulnerable to it.
- Get a test for Chlamydia at least once every year.
- Avoid making sexual contact with strangers and unknown people.
Symptoms of Chlamydia (for both men and women)
- A discharge from Penis or Viana.
- Pain in the rectum.
- Anal bleeding.
- Pain in vagina or penis.
- Feeling of burning sensation during urinating.
Once you notice any such symptoms, please contact your nearest sexologist or health care service providers for help. Chlamydia is fully curable. Take your medicine properly and in time to get relief from it.
The Conclusion
As per the latest information, the victim filed a lawsuit against his partner seeking unspecified damages for her alleged involvement in sexual battery, assault, and intentionally causing emotional distress to him.