A staple of all pantries, olive oil can be used to bake, fry, and flavour a wide range of dishes. But with so many oil products out there, how do you know that you’re picking the right one?

Never fear! Continue reading to discover top frequently asked questions about organic olive oil that will help you make decisions that are good for both your health and the environment.

How is olive oil made?
As the name suggests, olive oil is derived from the olive plant. Olives (which are actually very small stone fruits) are picked, crushed, and grinded, before the oil is extracted through either physical or chemical means.

Depending on the type of oil you buy, the product may be refined and treated with added preservatives in order to make it last longer. More on that below!

What does ‘virgin’ and ‘extra-virgin’ olive oil actually mean?
These descriptors refer to the way that the oil is made. Consumers will note that there is often also a price difference between these two products, with extra-virgin olive oil typically being more expensive than virgin and regular varieties.

This is for a few reasons. When regular oil is manufactured, it is typically cleaned using a variety of chemicals. These chemicals are designed to increase the shelf-life of the product, but in exchange, they tend to have a negative effect on both flavour and texture.

Virgin olive oil is treated with less chemicals than regular olive oil, and extra-virgin olive oil undergoes the least processing out of all these products.

People often prefer extra-virgin olive oil as it has a more natural taste, contains less artificial preservatives, and is high in natural ingredients.

Of course, if all of these points are important to you, the best decision you can make is to purchase organic olive oil!

Does olive oil have an expiry date?
Contrary to popular belief, olive oil does not last forever. Eventually, it will decay and you certainly don’t want to be frying or roasting your food in oil that is past its expiry date.

Generally speaking, an unopened bottle of olive oil should last between 18 and 24 months. However, as with most food products, as soon as the bottle is open, its shelf life decreases dramatically. You should aim to finish a bottle of organic olive oil within two months of opening it.

You will be able to tell if your olive oil has gone off — it will smell a bit like rotting fruit and will feel very greasy (even more greasy than normal!)

How should olive oil be stored?
Olive oil should be stored in a cool, dark place. Excessive exposure to oxygen, heat, and light will cause the product to decay more quickly, losing its great taste and high nutritional content.

Olive oil is best kept in a dark glass container — which is why most olive oil products are sold in green or black bottles. Above all, avoid storing your oil in a plastic or metal container. Particles from these materials can seep into the product, making it very unsafe to eat.

Is olive oil healthy?
Much like anything, olive oil is healthy as long as it is consumed in moderation.

Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fats, which are the good kind (particularly when compared to saturated fats). It also contains large amounts of antioxidants, which have an anti-inflammatory effect.

If you are concerned about the nutritional content of your oil, opt for a non-processed variety, such as extra-virgin olive oil or organic olive oil. That way you can be sure that your product is free from unnecessary preservatives and chemicals that could have a harmful effect on your health.

What’s the difference between organic olive oil and other olive oils?
Why opt for organic olive oil? Well, it’s quite simple.

Organic foods have been gaining in popularity in recent years, as more and more consumers become conscious of the effects that their decisions have on their health and the environment.

Oftentimes our food is grown using preservatives and GMOs in order to make it last longer. Unfortunately, these artificial products are not good for our health and can take away from the otherwise high nutritional content of fruit and vegetables. Organic food, on the other hand, is grown using natural pesticides and is free from any artificial nasties.

Organic food is also grown in eco-friendly conditions that are designed to promote sustainability. For example, most organic farmers grow seasonal produce, meaning that they are not overworking the soil and attempting to manipulate environmental conditions so that a particular fruit or veggie is available all year round.

By purchasing organic olive oil, you can be certain that you are doing the right thing by yourself and the environment.