Martial arts is an excellent form of self-defense or sports that requires strength, mobility, and determination. Participants have to undergo several rigorous training sessions to master the art. The training is different from mainstream sports. 

Due to heavy training sessions, the risk of injury is also high. The risk of injury has skyrocketed with the introduction of the latest martial arts known as aerobic kickboxing. Muscle strain, sprain, tendon tear, fractures, etc., are common sights for a martial artist. 

Thus, sports physical therapy in Wilmington, DE, is an integral part of the recovery phase. There are plenty of other injuries that can happen during the training and affect the efficiency of the athlete. 

This article will discuss some of the lesser-known injuries in martial arts and how you can treat them. 

Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common issues for a martial artist. It mainly affects the newest members and can last for a few weeks. The plantar fascia is the bottom-most part of your foot which works as a base of your body. 

During this injury, the plantar fascia suffers due to inflammation which can affect the heel part and the ball of the foot. It can restrict the movements like walking, running, and even standing; thus, recovery can take time. 

This injury is because the martial artists practice barefoot, and there’s no support for the fascia. Thus, regular movements like jumping and running can result in a sprained leg which causes pain and discomfort. 


The first approach to treat plantar fasciitis is by stretching. Dorsiflex is the most effective stretch movement to treat this medical condition. In this stretch, you have to lock your knees and move the toes towards the knee. Hold the position for a few seconds and release. 

Ice application is another effective way to eliminate inflammation and spasm. You can also use an orthotic support shoe, which supports the plantar fascia and helps you recover. But, none of these methods can replace stretching; thus, you have to mix and match these modalities. 

You can also use a layer of athletic tape to avoid any mishap during the practice session. 


If the joint below the toe hurts, then it could be a sign of sesamoiditis. This injury can put a hold on your training as it causes constant pain. Sesamoids are the two sets of bones that support the toe. They are part of the plantar mechanism and are fixed in the flexor hallucis tendon. 

The primary function of these bones is to guard the joint near the foot while moving. Regular wear and tear, along with excess pressure, can cause inflammation in the plantar plate area. The sesamoids increase the pain and restrict any movement. 


The treatment requires lots and lots of rest along with ice application and an orthotic support shoe. Rest is highly essential to avoid any further mishap. You can’t use an athletic tape to prevent this ailment.

You can take some time off the mat and relax while recovering. If you put further pressure on the sesamoids, it can aggravate the pain, worsening the situation. 

Severs Disease

The posterior plantar of the heel can get inflamed by regular wear and tear. It mainly affects the children of age group 10 to 14. As martial arts are done barefoot, thus this puts direct pressure on the heel. Regular pressure can cause constant pain and inflammation. 

During the sessions, the children have to break the boards with their feet; this should be observed well as it can cause this injury. Severs for children are similar to breaking a bone for adults. 


The primary treatment remains the same, which is icing for inflammation and rest for recovery. The gel heel cups for the children is another option that is also used in sports physical therapy in Wilmington, DE. 

If you don’t refrain from the activities, the condition can worsen, and you might have to seek help from a professional. Thus, mix all the treatments but don’t forget to rest.

Tips For Injury Prevention

Injury prevention plays a crucial role in an athlete’s life. Nothing can demolish someone’s career in sports more than injuries. Thus here are a few tips to avoid any damage while performing martial arts:


An experienced instructor is essential to guide an individual. The instructor can demonstrate the techniques in such a way that it eliminates the risk of any injury. The skills of an instructor will gradually improve a child’s ability by slowly progressing. 


Proper technique is vital irrespective of what sport or game you’re into. If you ignore the techniques and safety measures, then the risk factor increases exponentially. 


Proper safety gear is crucial before starting the martial arts practice; these safety gears include: 

  • Head guard
  • Body pads
  • Mouth Guard
  • Athletic Tape

Make sure the environment is appropriate for the martial arts. 


Martial arts is a self-defense regime that is prone to get you injured. Especially if you ignore the advice of your instructor, thus, to perform with full force, you should follow the proper techniques and rest the body properly.