Many people are unaware that there are numerous options available when it comes to antiquing for excellent antique painting for sale. While there are many different periods of covered that will provide delight to your home, there is a chance that you will be able to select one that is also valuable. In fact, you might find a beautiful piece if you go antiquing on eBay or Craigslist, or even your local antique store. Just remember to keep a few key points in mind.
To begin, never assume that a piece is genuine. It’s possible that you’ll come upon a reprint that someone is trying to sell you as an original. You won’t be able to physically touch the paint on the painting, but you will be able to adjust the angles from which you view it. This will allow you to examine the brush strokes from various angles to determine whether or not the piece is genuine. You should also take a look at the canvas and the frame to see if they reveal anything about the painting’s age.
Check if the work you’re looking at has ever been retouched while you’re going through this process. While many people will do this to improve a piece’s looks, it will diminish the piece’s worth. There’s a potential that if it’s a professionally done work, the reduction will be less than if it’s done by an ordinary amateur.
As an art collector, you should be aware that estate sales and even auction houses can yield some fantastic finds. Going to these places can help you have a better chance of receiving a real item while also reducing the risk of fraud. Just make sure you spend time looking over a piece before paying for it.
Another source of information you might explore is your seller. They usually provide a wealth of information about a work and can also assist you in determining its legitimacy. Just be wary of any vendor eager to sell you something they have no knowledge of; it could cause you major problems in the road and may not even be authentic.
Finally, check to see if the item you’re looking at has any damage. This could be the result of both solar and water damage. It might not be obvious at first glance but looking through the antique paintings for sale can help you better comprehend the piece you’re looking at until you find one you adore.