Many SEO firms offer their customers services of other companies under their brand name. It’s called White Label SEO, also known as SEO Reselling. It has many benefits for the white label SEO firm and the companies that resell those services under their brand name. This is a brief but detailed guide on white label SEO.
Clients Want SEO
Most businesses now use digital marketing to expand their business. SEO is an essential branch of digital marketing. Many marketing companies saw the demand for this service among their clients and took it as an opportunity. By providing SEO services as a service to your clients, you can build a stronger relationship with them.
Building an SEO Department is Tough
Many companies try to develop an SEO department of their own to offer this service. However, one needs a lot of resources, knowledge, experience, and time to pull it off. A company that doesn’t have a background in digital marketing will find it very challenging to build a competent SEO department.
You’ll Need Investment
It takes a lot of investment to build a new department. You’ll have to find experienced professionals who can do the hiring for you and work for your firm. There is always the risk of hiring the wrong guys. As you have to hire them on payroll, they will have to be paid a monthly salary whether they do good work or not. It becomes your responsibility to find work for them just to be able to pay their salaries.
SEO Services Under Your Brand Name
As an in-house SEO team can be very difficult to build and manage, the easier way is to work with a firm that offers White Label SEO services. All you have to do is decide the terms and send them the project every time you get one. All work will be done by that firm, but it will be offered to your clients under your brand name. You not only get to offer these services to your clients but also earn profit from each project.
New Services for Customers
Every existing customer will, without a doubt, appreciate that you are now offering new services. They won’t have to go anywhere else for these services if they trust you. Besides, there is a chance that they will go to some other firm if they can’t get their work done by you. The other firm will without a doubt do its best to keep them.
Expand Your Clientele
If you are partnered with a white label SEO firm, you can start marketing your firm with these additional services. It’ll attract new customers who are in need of SEO expertise. Once they come to you for SEO, they are likely to come to you for your primary services as well. You get profit from SEO reselling, and you get to sell your own services.
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