The event security guard is in charge of identifying trespassers in the event that there is a threat of an event. These people perform all types of security functions at events. There are different types of events such as conventions, seminars, trade shows and other meetings.

Event Security Guard Duties Some of these duties include setting up barriers, scanning people for prohibited items, directing people, checking bags for loads and checking for missing people. The person providing event security screening is in charge of determining who is on the premises and further investigating them. All those who provide event security screening also check bags for missing persons. Part of their description for event security roles is apprehending thieves or setting up a deterrent for illegal activity. They further report this information to the host or owner of the event.

Event Security Guard Training Most security teams have undergone some type of training for their work. The best way to ensure that your event security guards have been thoroughly trained is to call and find out what the requirements are for your state. Most states require that your security teams undergo some type of training program to be certified. This training can take place on site at the location of your business or you can send your employees to a federal training facility. Many federal agencies offer courses that can be used for training purposes.

Ensuring Your Staff Is Qualified When you hire an event security guard, you want to make sure that they are well trained and fully qualified. If you are hiring a part-time employee, you will want to make sure that they have had some training and are capable of doing the job. There are several ways that they can be trained. One method is through classroom training. Another way is through hands-on training in a situation that involves a large crowd.

Environmental Monitoring If you already use local event security guards to monitor the traffic in your facility, you may only need them during certain times of the day. However, if you want to have additional safety measures in place for large crowds or hazardous conditions, you will want to consider using environmental monitoring. Environmental monitoring is when the guards check in on the environment in case any harmful elements try to enter your building. They also check for things such as toxic chemicals or dangerous materials that could be catastrophic in case of an emergency.

CCTV Cameras and Video Recorders You may think that using event security guards to monitor your facility is sufficient, but there are other benefits to using CCTV and videorecorders. If you have a large crowd or hazardous condition, it is imperative that you have a safe evacuation procedure and an effective way to clear the area. Event security guards are trained in preventing dangerous situations from becoming worse and help keep everything running smoothly. Using CCTV and videorecorders can not only improve your business and save lives, it can also protect your employees and reduce your insurance costs.

Venue Selection If you are having your event at a local venue, you may be concerned about the type of security guards that will be protecting your building. Depending on your budget, you may be able to hire an off-duty officer who has the same knowledge as your on-site guards. In addition, most venues offer surveillance and monitoring services for a reduced price. If you are trying to protect a venue from liability, you may want to hire several guards to cover the different areas of your facility.

Protecting Your Business It is easy to protect your business from liability with the proper licensing, surveillance equipment and hiring of event security guards. Many security companies provide these services but it is important that you hire a company that is licensed with the proper credentials and has a history of providing excellent service. Hire a company that has been in the business for a while and is known for taking care of their clients.