Since the first installment of Dragon Ball Super ended in 2018, fans have been eagerly awaiting the arrival of Dragon Ball Super Season 2. The show has become a favorite among anime fans and calls for a second one. delivery has reached a fever pitch.

I remember watching the original show as a kid and seeing how the Dragon Ball franchise has slowly taken over the world and gained a huge international following. With fans hungrier than ever for more Goku-Vegeta action, the second season of Dragon Ball Super is what everyone wants to see. Check out here more about this article.

What is Dragon Ball Super about?
Dragon Ball Super is a sequel to the original Dragon Ball franchise that takes place ten years after Majin Buu was defeated. While the series begins with Goku living a simple life as a farmer with his family, new enemies arrive and Goku has to use his immense powers once more.

If you remember, Goku achieved the powers of a God in Battle of Gods and Resurrection ‘F’, and Dragon Ball Super explores that he has to use his new abilities. The scope of the show is more extensive, with the Hang traveling to other universes to fight powerful opponents.

Dragon Ball Super season 2 rumors?
Newsweek reported that Dragon Ball Super Season 2 was in pre-production and had been in the works since 2018. The reason for such an early start to the second installment was to avoid the animation quality complaints they received with season one. It was also reported

that Naohiro Shintani, the animation director for Dragon Ball Super: Broly, would return for Dragon Ball Super Season 2 and be in charge of animation.

Unfortunately for fans, when Toei Animation, the studio behind Dragon Ball Super, learned of the rumors, they went out and quickly nullified any hopes that fans had. His media representative, David Syatt, insisted that there are no episodes currently in production.

You just have to take a look at the comments in the tweet below to realize how much Dragon Ball Super Season 2 fans want.

How famous is the Dragon Ball Super series?
Following in the footsteps of one of the most popular anime series of all time is no small feat, but Dragon Ball Super Series managed it somehow. In terms of story, the series has been praised by fans around the world. However, it received some harsh criticism, particularly for the animation in Episode 5 of Season 1, which fans felt was completely mediocre.

The show was nominated for Best Continuing Series in 2017 and Best Fight Scene in 2018. It went on to win Best Continuing Series in 2018, for which it is receiving some critical praise to match the enthusiasm of fans.

It has sold 3,043,329 copies of tankōbon along with millions more in terms of full volumes sold in terms of manga numbers. So it’s safe to say that the series is incredibly popular, and Dragon Ball Super Season 2 would continue to be a hit.