Does Turkey have Bitcoins ATMs? If you have any knowledge about the recent developments concerning virtual currency, you must have noticed that many leading economic institutions including the European Central Bank have taken a public stance against it. The government of Turkey has also joined the chorus. The government and ruling party both do not accept or promote the use of digital currency. However, there are many who point out that the same governments which are against Againstdigital currencies also make their own digital currency, like Cyprus did earlier this year sell btc in istanbul.

Central Bank of Cyprus

In fact, they do. They even own and operate the Central Bank of Cyprus. And the same thing goes for the governments of several other countries throughout the region. So, if the government of any country does not recognize or accept bitcoins as legal tender, then no one else can either.

Recent Statements

That would be true if you are talking about the residents of those nations. But the truth is, the very same governments which prohibit the usage of bitcoins at the moment may soon allow them. In fact, some are already doing so. This would indicate that the recent statements made by the heads of the governments of several countries may be changing the perception of their populace.

Exchange Works

In a broader sense, if you want to know the answer to the question, “Does Turkey have a bitcoins ATM?” you need to understand how the system of exchange works in other countries, including Turkey. After all, there are many cases where tourists have been caught using counterfeit currencies at casinos or online casinos. People have also been caught using cash to pay for food at restaurants and bars.

Conduct Transactions

Now, if people in other countries are using bitcoins to buy and sell them, then why would the government of a country which makes its own bitcoins would prohibit the residents of that country from using it? It simply doesn’t make any sense. If the government of a nation could find out that its citizens were using bitcoins to conduct transactions for profit or for illegal purposes, then it could easily tighten its grip on the bitcoins in its possession. This would effectively make it impossible for any individual to buy and sell bitcoins for cash anywhere in the world.

In a few years when Turkey’s government decides to finally legalize the use of bitcoins, they will most likely find that they have taken a huge step in the right direction. As a matter of fact, the government of a country that makes its own bitcoins will be more likely to ban the use of cash as a medium of exchange in the country. Why would this happen? If someone in the country was found to be conducting transactions with cash, he or she would be immediately imprisoned.

Gamble Online

Of course, even though the government may do this, someone in Turkey would still be able to conduct online casinos. And the ones who run those online casinos wouldn’t mind seeing the government come in and shut them down. After all, they would still be making a profit from their business. Therefore, if the government found out that people were using cash to gamble online, they most likely wouldn’t do anything about it – because they would still be making a profit from the activities of those individuals.

Last Word:

So does Turkey have bitcoins in their possession? The short answer is no. There are no bitcoins in Turkish banks, or at least not in the large quantities that would be required in order for the government to ever consider banning the circulation of them. On the other hand, there are several interesting pieces of information that indicate that the government may soon find out that citizens are hoarding them around the country. In the meantime, anyone can hold onto them and enjoy the freedom of being able to convert them into cash whenever the situation calls for it.