Death Note, a supernatural thriller adapted from the Manga series by creator Takeshi Obata, arrived on American Netflix in 2017. Death Note’s story revolves around Light Turner (a boy who finds an unidentifiable notebook that kills people when their name is written), and fans of this movie ask about the next sequel to come out.
Death Note, created based on the unfinished manga series “Death Notes” by author Tsugumi Ohba and illustrator Takeshi Obata, came out in America on Netflix in 2017. To know more information here about this or similar.
The story revolves around Light Turner (a young man who encounters a mysterious notebook capable of killing someone with just their name written inside). It has generated some questions among its fanbase about death note 2.
Death Note Season 2 Sequel Details:
Yes, it was reported after the premiere of part one that there would be a sequel. The producer of the movie also hired Greg Russo to write Death Note 2, who was also appointed as the writer for this sequel.
According to director Adam Wingard, the Death Note movie has been well-received by both critics and fans, so he wants to continue with two films. It was reported by the director of Death Note 2 that he wants to make two movies and has many ideas for how to continue with the storyline.
Death Note Season 2 Cast Details:
All of the lead actors from season 1 are set to reprise their role in a sequel, with new faces included.
- Nat Wolff
- Lakeith Stanfield
- Margaret Qualley
- Shea Whigham
- Willem Dafoe
Death Note Season 2 Release Details:
Given the popularity of Supernatural, many of its viewers are eager for the release of its second part. The anticipation stems from not knowing if there will be another installment or not.
The creator of the movie is also busy with his other projects; however, he reports that they are steadily making progress on the sequel and gives several vague hints as to what it will entail. Death Note 2: The Last name officially has no release date or any streaming information; however, I expect fans to get a sneak peek before 2020 while Netflix announces a formal agreement for distribution.