Growing plants in containers can be a fun and satisfying hobby.Container Gardening For beginners helps you understand and know more about plants and to be able to grow your favorite container plants. It doesn’t matter if you have ample space or small space for container gardening because it offers you flexible growing opportunities. Growing plants in containers can help control pests, overcome soil issues, and enable homegrown fresh produce without a yard. It can also help your house look green and natural. However, to give your plants the best conditions possible, container-grown plants need a little extra care than those growing in the ground.

Choosing the right location

It’s essential to choose a perfect location for your container plants and put them in a place where they can grow and thrive. You should also know what kind of plant you are growing if it is a kind of plant that can thrive in a shady area like Begonias, Impatiens, and Lenten rose or a plant that can withstand full sun and heat So that you know what to do with your container plant. An example of a plant for full sun and heat is Passiflora or known as passionflower. It can grow fully in a bright and sunny setting. Still, suppose u put a container plant in an environment that is the same as the Passiflora. In that case, I don’t think it can grow because each plant has its different structures. You don’t have to always put your container plant in a sunny area because not all plants need all the sunlight to thrive. It will depend on what kind of plant you are growing.

Choosing a suitable container for your plant.

You can use any kind of container which is large enough for your plants. You can be creative by using recycled buckets or using any type of material you can find as a container for your plant. The only thing you need in your container is that it should be large enough to have space for your plant to grow, and proper drainage Is a must. Having Proper drainage in your container allows water in the soil to drain freely so adequate air is available for the roots.

Choosing suitable Compost helps your plants grow faster.

Having the suitable Compost helps your container grow and thrive beautifully. In addition, Compost prevents soil spattering on plants—spreading disease and also provides many nutrients that plants need in small amounts, such as boron. Compost sponges up the fertilizer nutrients until they are needed by the plant.


How often should plants be watered? You need to often water your container plants because plants in containers are not the same as plants on the ground which is the nutrients are less in containers. Therefore, it is essential to check and water your plants daily, especially during hot and sunny days. You can Place your containers near a water source to make light work of watering. It’s okay if the soil’s surface dries out between waterings, but the ground beneath should remain moist.


Fertilizers can help encourage the rapid growth of plants. Nitrogen is considered a growth booster and a greening agent. So fertilizers which have rich nitrogen are beneficial for plant growth.

Plants in pots have fewer nutrients than those in the ground; avoid using inorganic fertilizers. It usually contains chemicals and has only a few nutrients – generally nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, and sometimes micronutrients. While organic fertilizers are naturally produced and contain carbon. Fertilizers help to provide nutrients and sustain growth to your plant.