2 CAPTCHA solving services may seem to be a new concept. However, they are not. In fact, they have been around for more than five decades in their current form. Their long-term goal has been to make it easy for the end-user to enter their credit card number or any other secret information into the CAPTCHA text box without fear of unauthorized access or miss-communication. Many businesses use CAPTCHA solving services to guarantee customer satisfaction and keep their clients happy. They offer many different types of CAPTCHAS including word scramble, mnemonic, or even math CAPTCHAS. They can be configured to show only letters of the alphabet, numbers, special characters or anything up to thirteen letters. The result is that the end-user has to enter only one letter and have it automatically repeated to produce the secret password. The result is a secure password entry, using the OCR algorithm.
In addition to a wide variety of CAPTCHAS, Tronix also offers support for their sister companies, Cryptobank and Cyberangible. Both companies provide end-to-end CAPTCHAS solutions, with a free lifetime customer service call-and-live capability. They have solutions for common forms of security problems including phishing, spoofing, resetting, and capturing. These companies also have several other security solutions including authentication, identity theft protection, and password cracking.
Tronix, Inc.’s Captcha solving services can solve all of these security problems. In fact, Tronix offers two different kinds of CAPTCHA solving services:
The first type of Tronix Captcha solving services is called https://www.deathbycaptcha.com/. The basic idea behind this solution is to guess the correct answer to the CAPTCHA. For example, if the letter “A” is shown, then the person must correctly guess what the correct answer to the CAPTCHA is, or they will die. For this service, a person must simply enter in the correct answer, such as “A”, and then wait for the algorithm to work its way through all of the CAPTCHAS and show them the correct results. To make this solution even better, deathbycaptcha will give the client a free death record in the form of a death record template so that they can have proof that they have correctly guessed the correct answer.
The second kind of Tronix Captcha solving services is its sister company Cryptobank. Cryptobank offers completely automated solutions for every kind of security problem. It works by collecting data from a wide variety of different sources and then using mathematical algorithms to solve security problems.