The Cash App Card is like a debit card that permits its users to make sure they use their current account balance. With this Cash App card, you send money, shop online and cash-out money. Moreover, you can load money into this Cash App card and use it at your Cash App balance. If you don’t know how to load a Cash App card then worry not because you can learn the best way to add money to your Cash App card here in this blog. With both these two methods, you can add money to Cash App cards without a bank account.  


 How to load a Cash App card at the Walgreens store?


Following are the steps you need to take to add money to a Cash App card at Walgreen departmental store:

  • Visit the nearest Walgreen store.
  • Here ask the cashier to reload your cash card.
  • Then give your cash card to the cashier.
  • The cashier might ask you to give some details about the Cash App card.
  • Give him/her the cash to load into your Cash App card. 


How to load a Cash App card at Dollar General?


You can load money to a Cash App card at the Dollar General store. Firstly visit the nearest store, and here, all you have to do is approach the cashier at the billing store with your cash card.

Ask the cashier that you want to load your Cash App card after completing the verification process by sharing certain details and giving him/her the cash. Further, within a few seconds, the cashier will give you back your card with freshly loaded money.