Insomnia can be described as the inability of humans to fall asleep or stay asleep for a reasonable duration of time during the night. People suffering from insomnia wake up at odd hours from their slumber, feel restless and experience difficulty in trying to get back to sleep. Insufficient sleep disrupts cognitive function, leads to stress and contributes to panic disorders, irritability, depression and poor health.
Several factors are responsible for this sleep disorder which includes anxiety, pain, stress, depression, mental disorder, physical illness, recurrent pain in the body, jet lag or change of sleeping environment. A prominent solution for insomnia and other sleep disorders is sleeping pills.
Popular sleep aids such as Sleeping Tablets and Pills offer a perfect solution to patients suffering from insomnia and sleep disorders. They slow down the functioning of the brain and calm down the nerves for a serene rest at night. Correct dose of them under the supervision of a physician will offer a restorative sleep to insomniacs. Insomnia patients and those suffering from sleep disturbances can buy sleeping pills UK over the counter to attain a quiet sleep at night.
Sleeping pills must be taken after getting a prescription from a sleep expert. Insomnia sufferers must consult a board certified health care expert before reducing dose or stopping their use. It has been observed that people who discontinued them abruptly suffered from withdrawal symptoms such as rebound insomnia.. Individuals suffering from ailments of heart, lung, liver or kidney must have a detailed discussion with a board certified sleep specialist prior to its utilization. Any misuse or abuse of these medications can lead to potential side effects.
Side Effects
- Drowsiness
- Dizziness
- Loss of concentration levels
- Diarrhea
- Constipation
- Change in appetite
- Dry Mouth
Sleep medications show wonderful results when supplemented with natural sleep aids such as changes in lifestyle, cognitive behavior therapy, Yoga, meditation, breathing exercise and sleep hygiene. For safe insomnia treatment, it is essential to use FDA regulated sleeping pills. Some of the popular sleeping pills include Zopiclone, Ambien and Temazepam. The tablets should be swallowed as a whole with a glass of water about an hour before retiring to bed. You can buy sleeping pills in the UK without a doctor’s prescription through trusted online drug stores.