Whether it is your B2B or B2C marketing strategy, video content is an effective way to tell your brand story. Besides, it is one effective way to boost leads, the results often overcoming even blog posts, infographics, and other formats of content marketing.

So, when you hire a Calgary internet marketing consultant for your business, make sure they produce video content.

Video Content Marketing Statistics

• From 2016-2021 video content has grown by 41% as an effective marketing tool.

• 84% of business owners that have integrated video in their marketing campaigns admit that there is a massive increase in lead generation.

• 94% of companies that invest in video content say that users better understand their products and services.

• Around 85% of target audiences and consumers say that a brand’s video has convinced them to make a purchase.

Hence, you can see that video content marketing promises significant ROIs and improves people’s perceptions about your business. The format also gives your prospective and current customers crucial data points to assess the brand value.

Here’s why video content is hard to ignore:

Successful marketing campaigns are those that capture the pulse of the audiences and keep them engaged. Given that internet users have very little time (around 30 seconds) to spare for skimming or glancing over web content, videos are vital to attracting them in short spans.

Besides, storytelling through the visual medium is highly engaging and appeals to users’ emotions and senses of sight and sound. Therefore, they connect to a video more than they do with a 500 to a 1000-word writeup.

Although even blogs, articles, product pages, etc., are also shareable, they don’t evoke the sense of urgency in the recipients to read them immediately. But when you share a video with your peers, friends, or colleagues, they will most likely play a video as soon as they receive it.

And when your Calgary internet marketing consultant can introduce highly consumable content within the first few seconds, they will watch it to the end. With social media marketing, videos can reach a broader segment of people and build brand awareness, making qualified leads to approach you quickly.

Tips to Generate Leads with Videos
Each business needs a unique lead generation strategy based on the niche, products offered, target audience, and more. However, the core tenets remain the same, which are:

1. Content Strategy

2. Promotion

3. Acquisition

1. Content Strategy
Suppose your videos reach millions of prospects, but only 5% are actually converting. Hence, videos have to be specifically targeted, catering to people who understand your market. Build your content strategy on user intent, whether they want more information or advice on which related products will fit their needs.

2. Promotion
The first way to promote your video content is through social media handles. But be regular about publishing relevant and fresh videos. Short reels, promotions, teasers, etc., can draw people in when you next post stuff. Influencer marketing is also a great way to build credibility and trustworthiness, not to mention add more followers.

3. Acquisition
Generating qualified leads from your videos will bring potential paying customers to your brand. And with the right kind of on-page SEO, user experience, fast page loading, calls to action, and an easy checkout process, they purchase your services or products.

Customers can also unlock gated content by providing their information on contact forms and subscribing to future offerings or email newsletters. These types of data capture tactics can not only maximize reach but also help you retain loyal customers.

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