A slim body does not automatically mean a healthy body. But if you are someone who has never been satisfied with their weight or fitness or build, it is important to try and change things. One way to do this is to stop focusing solely on losing weight, instead of thinking about how to train strength by improving bone, joint, and even mental health. Along the way, you will also begin to lose weight and feel better about your body.
If your main goal is to gain muscle mass, doing strength training will help you burn more calories, even combining it with running and other cardio workouts.
Bodyweight strength training doesn’t burn calories just while you’re doing it. In fact, your metabolism continues to work even in the hours following the workout: it is what is called the afterburn effect or even Excess Post Exercise Oxygen Consumption (EPOC), which makes you burn even more calories. Teck Hustler the study has shown that extra calories are burned for up to 38 hours after a short, high-intensity workout such as strength training.
Since there is (almost) no rest between bodyweight exercises, your heart rate can be as high as 80% of your maximum, burning calories very quickly. The more muscles involved in an exercise, the more calories are burned, and the more effective the exercise will be. Bodyweight exercises also set several joints in motion, increasing your overall well-being throughout the day. So you can go up the stairs instead of taking the elevator, walk to the supermarket, or play with the children while feeling perfectly at ease.
If you are aiming for maximum strength and calorie consumption, combining cardio and strength training is an effective strategy. How to do it without training for hours and hours?
High-intensity workouts work because they push your metabolism to the max and provide a noticeable afterburn effect. This means that your body will continue to burn extra calories even after your bodyweight strength training is over while you are relaxing on the couch.
Often there is no lack of good intentions to train, but when you have little time you end up sacrificing the workout. The advantage of bodyweight strength training is that there is no need to go to the gym, so there will be no more excuses. A 20-minute workout takes only 1.4% of your day. Just put on your sportswear, make some space in the living room, open the Training app and start your workout. That way you will also have enough time left to prepare dinner and spend an evening with your loved ones or roommates.
Don’t be discouraged if it takes a while to start losing weight. Gradual weight loss (0.5 to 1 kg per week) is healthier and often longer-lasting than a sudden one. Make sure you exercise regularly and eat a healthy, balanced diet. And above all, always listen to your body.
You have often heard about functional fitness and functional training, without knowing exactly what it was. In this type of training, “natural” movements are performed that each of us performs in everyday life, preparing us in the best possible way for daily physical stress.
Think about it: Do you often lift a bottle of water by flexing your biceps? Probably not. But you will surely happen to get down on your knees doing a squat, lie down and then get back up, and so on.
Bodyweight exercises are a fundamental component of functional training and set various muscle groups in motion; as you go up with the level of exercises you can always progress, reducing more and more the risk of suffering injuries and maximizing muscle growth at the same time.
You can literally start now, wherever you are. Do jumping jacks, squats, or a HIIT workout. All you need is your body, and some space to move.
You are in control of your health and happiness. But any excuses or barriers you may have erected by diminishing your potential or goals can be blown away by the convenience, versatility, and effectiveness of bodyweight strength training. By changing your mind you change your life.
In the gym, tools often work for a specific muscle group. But that’s nothing compared to the calories you burn in bodyweight strength training. Also, the more muscles you work during an exercise, the more benefits increase.
Think for example of pushups: biceps, triceps, shoulders, core (abs, lower back, hips), glutes, and legs all work together. While some muscles work harder than others, they all take part in the movement. If this were not the case, compensatory movements would be made which could cause pain and even injuries. Bodyweight strength training teaches the muscles of the body to work together, as in a team.
Bodyweight training is never boring. There are always new exercises to learn, challenges to overcome, burpees to perform. The Training app is full of workouts and exercises to help you stay motivated. Try something new in the next workout and challenge yourself!
Were we able to convince you to give bodyweight training a chance? Or do you already do it regularly and have your favorite workout? In any case, remember to think of training as a way to improve your overall well-being. It’s not just a matter of losing weight – that’s the icing on the cake. Bodyweight training gives you the confidence to reach your fitness goals, and maybe even surpass them.