SimpleCPR presents its self as one of the most viable and dependable options for your online CPR certification. SimpleCPR has been credited with certifying over 1 million CPR experts since its inception in 2004. The course material of SimpleCPR compliance with the guidelines laid out by the AHA (the American Heart Association). All it takes for you is, at the maximum, an hour to get certified in CPR online. In addition, you have unlimited free retakes of your exam until you pass – making your investment worth both the time and money.

Simple CPR makes taking our online BLS training class and getting your BLS certification online in under an hour easy. When you complete your BLS Certification online you will feel confident to come to someone’s aid when a crisis arises.

We offer online BLS training that covers BLS CPR for adults as well as children and infants. You can even brush up on your skills through our online BLS CPR recertification class. Each BLS CPR online training course follows the latest AHA ECC guidelines and is nationally accredited so you don’t have to worry that your organization will not accept it.

Your BLS CPR training could help you save a life one day. Whether you are a medical professional or a daycare associate, you will always be prepared.

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