If in the United States of America Black Friday is celebrated the day after the Thanksgiving holiday, in China this date has a different origin. On November 11th, the Chinese celebrate Singles Day and, additionally, there is a kind of Black Friday in the country’s stores.

But you might be wondering: how can we enjoy Black Friday on this 11th if it takes place in China? Despite being a date traced by the Chinese, many companies apply their discounts on products sold internationally.

So, let’s give you some tips on how to sell more Chinese Black Friday

First, it is important to emphasize that, as the date is celebrated by the Chinese, it is more likely that the best promotions are given by Chinese trade websites such as the websites of the Alibaba Group, for example.

But that doesn’t stop your company from getting into the rhythm of the event and advertising discounts, it helps to increase sales and capture leads. “Surfing the wave” of Chinese Black Friday is can be a kind of pre-Black Friday.

Since this date is not well known by people in the West, it is important to do well-crafted marketing work to make your promotions known to consumers who are waiting so long to buy your products at this time of year.

Also because, many people wait for the end of the year to buy much-desired products, plan financially and, when the specific date arrives, they buy a certain product. If your company invests to spread the promotions, the chances are greater that customers will buy from you.

Don’t make opportunistic promotions

As many people are unaware of this date, some online stores may use the name Black Friday to advertise fake deals and pretend to be giving out off-season discounts to capture shopping interest. This tactic can be used on national or non-national websites and is extremely unpopular.

As information spreads very quickly nowadays, the chance of your company falling into the public mouth and losing customers is very high. So don’t try to deceive the consumer, remember that your relationship with them should be valued and that this type of event is ideal for working on real promotions in order to capture leads.

Another important point is that fake promotions can be shared by the public on websites aimed at evaluating companies. Bad comments on these sites, such as Complain Here, can ruin your reputation for good and, consequently, end a brand’s services.

Inventory planning is everything

It is clear that Black Friday is the best time to buy such beloved products, considering the number of good discounts. However, you will only be able to take advantage of this desire of the public if you have good planning regarding your stock. This is because, due to the large volume of sales at this time of year, many entrepreneurs may not touch the stock of the best-selling products, which displeases the public that, initially, may have been excited by the promotions.

It is essential, at this point, to have an idea of which are the most purchased products, even in order not to fill the stock with materials that are not sold very much. Electronics, for example, are heavily purchased by consumers at this time of year. Therefore, it is essential to be prepared in this regard.

Beware of fake websites

This season of promotions generates an incredibly large number of purchases. To take advantage of this scenario, many people end up creating temporary websites, which are only open at this time of year, which mimic the most famous original shopping websites. With this, many people end up not realizing that they are browsing a fake site and end up falling for scams. Therefore, monitor your competitors and see if there is no fraud involving the cloning of your store, for example, and neither your competitors.

Invest in cashback

Cashback is a form of reward for shoppers who consume on certain websites or companies. Here’s how it works: You can go to a site that sells with cashback and buy a certain product.

With that, you get back part of the money paid for the material. In other words, if you paid $50 on a product and earned $10 in cashback, the product came out with a discount of $40 reais, if we explain it in the simplest way.

A well-known company in the discount and cashback business is Meliuz . In your case, a businessman, the ideal is to seek some kind of partnership with companies like Meliuz to encourage the purchase of their products. As this is a tactic widely used nowadays, inserting it in your sales planning is essential to get ahead on dates like Black Friday.

Make use of email marketing

Marketing emails are great marketing strategies to communicate with your audience about future promotions and changes in your business. When we think about the sales funnel, we can say that email marketing is at a more advanced stage of the funnel, considering that the company needs consumer contact information, shared by them in the attraction process.

Regarding Black Friday, Chinese or not, the use of marketing emails is essential to publicize your promotions and share special discounts for loyal customers, for example. This is a way to make your discounts visible and open the door to holiday sales. Well-crafted marketing emails can even be shared by customers to friends and family.