Under pressure, Apple is forced to remove Telegram from the App Store. The tech giant is being asked to remove the instant messaging app from the store.
Apple may have to remove Telegram from the App Store in the near future. A lawsuit filed by the Coalition for a safer web against Apple could lead to the removal of the instant messaging app, which includes the recent digital migration of WhatsApp messaging users from the App Store, which includes a significant increase in the number of telegram real users. Are developed specifically for iOS.
Why should Apple uninstall Telegram?
According to news shared by the Washington Post, the tech giant was sued by the coalition on Sunday for a safer web. The reason for the lawsuit against this technology giant was the extremely harsh content shown in the instant messaging program. The company requests that the app, called Telegram, be removed from the App Store as soon as possible.
In the lawsuit filed against Apple, it was argued that Telegram, like Parler, could not prevent the spread of violent content on its service, and therefore it was the right decision to remove the instant messaging app.
Similar to Telegram’s request for removal, a program called Parler was removed from the App Store in recent days. The reason for the removal of the social media program was that supporters of US President Donald Trump used the platform as an organizational tool to incite people to violence and start violent movements.
Technology giant Apple has given Parler some time to remove provocative content. Although Parler submitted a plan to remove the content to the company during this period, it was concluded that the plan was insufficient and the following statements were sent in a company statement to Parler executives:
To the developers of the Parler app,
Thank you for your response to dangerous and harmful content in Parler. We have found that the actions you have reported are not sufficient to prevent the replication of dangerous and objectionable content in your application. Parler did not fulfill its responsibility to monitor and eliminate violence and illegal content, and did not follow the App Store review guidelines.
You stated in your response that Parler had been working on this content for weeks, but that Parler’s methods were not enough to slow down or prevent the release of dangerous and illegal content. In particular, we continued to seek out posts with direct violence.
For these reasons, your app will be removed from the App Store until your app complies with the App Store review guidelines and indicates that you have begun closely monitoring and blocking dangerous and harmful content.
With respect,
Program Review Board
Removing a social media app called Parler from the App Store indicates that Telegram is also likely to be removed from the App Store. Depending on the developments in the proceedings, it will be determined whether the request will be withdrawn in the coming days.
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