Green tea offers more advantages for health than other Chinese teas, such as oolong and black tea. Both come directly from Camellia sinensis. The thing that makes green tea distinct is the method by which it is produced. Green tea has a lot in its benefits for health to the method by which the Camellia sinensis leaf is steaming. The process blocks the EGCG health benefits in green tea being destroyed by oxidation. Blue Tea
Green tea consumption can enable the burning of more calories and cause weight reduction. This was proved through The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 1999. Men who drink both green tea and caffeine lose more calories than those who just take caffeine or an alternative. A lot of people have begun green tea diets and have had huge success and have seen great results.
Another advantage of green tea is that it has antibacterial properties. The advantage of green tea is that it can in preventing food poisoning and help prevent tooth decay.
It is well-known for its numerous benefits to health, including weight loss and curing cancer green tea can be a miraculous.