Have you heard about the phrase “plant-based diet?” It is the hottest topic in the nutritional world these days. The primary reason for the hype is the awareness about the health and environmental benefits of plant-based foods.

However, many of you might not be familiar with the term itself. Is it the same thing as being a vegetarian or vegan? If you are oblivion to this new trend, then you come to the right place. Stay hooked with us until the end to know every fine detail about plant-based foods and plant based vegan food delivery service.

What is a Plant-Based Food Diet?

You might be having this pre-determined notion that a plant-based food diet is just a synonym for a vegan diet; however, it is not precisely that. The primary motive of such diets is to consider vegetables, including fruits, to be the central part of someone’s diet. Such diets emphasize foods like vegetables, fruits, and lentils and limit milk, dairy products, and eggs. You may or may not include meat and other seafood in your diet; it is your discretion. Plant-based food diet is a broad category that owns more specific diet plans under it, like the Mediterranean diet that incorporates fish and seafood and the vegetarian diet devoid of any meat but includes dairy and eggs.

Is Plant-Based Food Diet Healthy?

According to several types of research and report by the American College of Cardiology, plant-based diets have shown results in decreasing a considerable percentage of Cholesterol levels in cardiac patients. It has developed fertility factors as well as reduces the chances of being infected with type-2 diabetes.

The consumption of veggies, nuts, lentils, and other plant products also helps to reduce the chances of heart attacks.

Get Started with A Plant-Based Diet with these Simple Steps

Step 1: Increase the number of vegetables and fruits in your lunch and dinner diets. Add a variety of colors to make your dishes more appealing and attractive. Add accompaniments and healthy condiments too.

Step 2: Cut down on the portion of meats, eggs, dairy products, and other seafood.

Step 3: Change the source of fats in your diet. Shift to Olive oil, seeds, avocados, nuts, and nut butter.

Step 4: Prefer to have a complete vegetarian meal at least once a week.

Step 5: Kick start your day with whole grains like Buckwheat, Barley, Quinoa, and oatmeal.

Step 6: Add and diversify your palate with different green leafy vegetables like Swiss chard, Kale, Collards, spinach, and other greens.

Step 7: Consume at least one type of salad every day.

Step 8: Enjoy fruit-based food as a dessert option.

Summing Up

If you are wondering how to get started with the change, then Plant Sumo can help you. It is a London-based food service start-up known for its plant based diet meal delivery service. End your hunt for tasty and healthy food with the weekly meal and one-off meal boxes by Plant Sumo. And in London, local people through their knowledge and expertise of traditional African cuisine have given you the opportunity to experience this incredible food. If you live in Shepherd’s Bush, or anywhere on the central line, in fact, you’re in luck, because you can get amazing and authentic African food in and around Shepherd’s Bush restaurants. Get your highly nutritious plant-based food meals delivered right at your doorstep!


Original Source: https://www.fluxmagazine.com/need-to-know-plant-based-food/