In case you want a novel finish for your home interiors, then earthen plastering can prove to be a great option. If you’re unaware then you must know that earthen plaster involves a blend of clay, fiber, and aggregates that are more suited towards indoor usage than outdoors. 

Earthen plastering is a very old plastering method and you’ll not spot it commonly in the current day & age of urban lifestyle. However, it has multiple benefits over most contemporary plastering solutions. 

The Merits Of Using Earthen Plasters

  1. Non-Toxic & Beautiful

According to professional exterior plasterers in Auckland, earthen plaster doesn’t contain any toxic materials. Only pure clay along with a bit of aggregate & fibers will be used to hold its shape. Such a type of plastering is highly eco-friendly and can help in improving indoor air quality. 

Hence, if you’re very sensitive to chemicals, then this natural clay plastering method should be your go-to option. 

  1. Emits Negative Ion

Negative ions are available freely in the natural environment, which is great for oxygen absorption by the human body. You can find an abundance of negative ions in the countryside where there are a lot of trees. However, in the cities where handheld devices & computers are abundant, positive ions are plentiful. 

Thus, if you opt for earthen plaster, you’ll bring yourself closer to nature and thereby lead a healthier, better life. 

  1. Stay Close To Nature

There’s no denying that over the last couple of years, the construction industry has changed via leaps & bounds. And due to such meteoric rise, there has also been an increase in the number of harmful chemicals & toxins used in the construction processes. And since more houses are being constructed near one another, air circulation becomes a major difficulty which doesn’t allow the toxins to escape.

But, if you can plaster your home interiors with natural clay – which is naturally & organically found – you can then bring yourself closer to nature. 

  1. Various Other Environmental Advantages

Apart from being great for human health, earthen plaster also helps in maintaining environmental sustainability. Moreover, it reduces environmental pollution. 

Thus, you’ll not be able to impact your own lifestyle but the lifestyle of others around as well. It’s a win-win situation for everyone and you cannot deny the same. 

Wrapping Up

It can be easily concluded from the above-mentioned benefits that earthen plastering not only helps in creating an interesting look but also helps in generating interesting textures/patterns in various lighting conditions. It provides a sense of beauty & warmth for your home interiors, while also imparting uniqueness & depth to your rooms. 

For more information, contact us today.