If you’re a newbie and want to launch your own website but you have little knowledge about what is web hosting and how to determine which web hosting in Lahore is better. Then this will clear the confusion and help you understand what exactly web hosting is and how to determine which web hosting is the best.

What you should know about Web Hosting?

It can be defined as the host provides space on their server for files such as images, code, etc. for the storage of data that can be used to construct any website for later online viewing. That is called web hosting.

In simpler words, it can be explained as you buy a house for your pet and you’re the host of that pet, it’s your duty to maintain and look after their homes. Similarly, websites are the pets that are stored in their servers as their homes. To make your website accessible online throughout the world it is necessary to host it.

Literally, any website visited throughout the world is hosted by servers. Also, the storage capacity purely depends upon the type of hosting. There are several types of hostings depending upon the technology used on servers.


In the above paragraphs, I have mentioned servers many times and some of you might be thinking what exactly is a server and how it helps users to access any website. Well, you can just make assumptions from its name “server”, they are the computers which connect users to hosted websites. Web hosting service providers keep servers for the storage of websites.

Reliable web hostings

If you’re about to create a host website, you should remember that there are plenty of web hosting services some of them are free and most of them cost a lot. No matter which web hosting service you should, you should make sure it is known and reliable because it’s your reputation and the consistency of your website which is at stake.

Web hosting plans – An Insight

There are several plans which are provided by web hosting service providers that range from expensive to free. Choosing the right plan is important because it will decide your website’s load time. If a user loads into your website and it takes more time than usual then they will shift to a more reliable website that does not take much of the loading time.


Shared hosting

Shared hostings can be defined as co-working with other websites at the same time but you cannot make any kind of changes or install the software. This is not the best service for commercial websites but small websites can work with this.

Virtual private server (VPS)

It is better than a shared hosting service. This service is suitable for moderate businesses. This service can allow users to make changes or customize as they want.

Dedicated Servers

It is a bit expensive but the best service because you own the all space in the server, you’re allowed to customize as you want. Your website’s load time, reliability, and performance is all in your hands. It also provides space that is not limited like in shared and VPS hosting. But this service is of no use if you do not consume much of the space.

Domain hosting

It can be defined as once you have bought domain hosting then it means that your files will be saved at a place, connected to an internet, web server. The host holds responsibility for hosting your website after it is delivered to a server.

When a user types in your website’s name, their browser redirects to your website with help of the internet, what actually happening in the background is the process that locates your domain IP and makes sure the end-user is connected to the right website.