The old adage, the first impression is the best impression, cannot be truer than it is with web design. An attractive web design helps in directing more traffic to the website. Say, you are a businessperson in Dubai and you are going to build a website for your business. In this article, we attempt to list 9 modern trends in web design in Dubai that will make your website tick in the year 2021.

1: Retro Fonts

Using retro trends is the latest as far as website designs are concerned. The use of retro fonts on these websites is considered really cool. On many websites, you can see vintage fonts making an appearance. Many website designers are experimenting with a mix of old and new fonts. It is a good idea to get in touch with a reputed web design company in Dubai that can incorporate retro fonts into your website design. Go for the raging trends. They are worth it.

2: 3D Visuals

Many modern websites sport high-quality 3D visuals as part of the web design. This serves to better the user experience. It also makes visitors spend additional time on websites. This is especially true when the website uses minimalist layouts. Creative and unique websites are among the most sought after these days.

3: Soft shades and comfortable colours

Gone are the days of bright colours. With individuals spending more time in front of their screens, many are experiencing considerable eye strain. This is where colour schemes step in. Soft colours and pastel shades compared to bright ones soothe the eyes. Warm browns, baby pink, light greens and sky blue rule the roost. “Soft and warm shades allow a user to spend more time on the website,” a team member of a web design agency Dubai was heard saying.

Last year, the dark mode became famous for offsetting the white screen’s bright effects on the human eyes. The softer colours induce calmness and make the mind relax when viewing the screen. They also form a middle ground between the dark and light shades.

4: Shadows, Floating elements, and Layers

Another hot trend that is picking up in web design this year is floating elements, shadows and layers. All of these infuse positive emotions. Website designers are using soft drop shadows to enhance the depth of images. In total, these elements also lend a lightweight feeling to the website.

These elements lend a 3D effect to the websites they are part of. Soft drop shadows and multiple layers give a feeling of depth and lend an ethereal look to the website. This trend is being applied to videos, photos, and text as well. This design element is expected to dominate the website design scene in 2021.

5: Voice User Interface

Voice assistants will continue their trend in 2021 also. Voice chatbots have drastically changed the way in which we search for information and receive it. Apple, Google and Android are pioneers in implementing this trend to please their users. Why not include it on your websites too? Become an innovator and a market leader in your niche. Talk to premier agencies involved in website development in Dubai about including this design element in your website.

6: Graphics-photographs fusion

This is yet another popular website design trend for 2021. This helps to create the best quality UI. This trend has paid off for all the sites where it has been incorporated. This design aspect allows for a lot of customization and the graphics and photos can be combined to reflect the persona of the product/service/brand. This combination allows creative designers to come up with unique and attractive user interfaces.

7: Use of Multimedia

Many sites are attempting to render multimedia experiences to woo visitors. Bringing together video, audio, and text can create mesmerizing experiences for a user. This technique is also known to reach a wider set of audiences.

8: Neuomorphs

This style is supposed to have followed the style of skeuomorphism. The latter is a design approach that incorporates outdated materials into modern designs. This approach largely supported flat designs.

Neuomorphism is about bringing more physicality to objects by selectively using drop shadows while simultaneously being overlaid with flat colours. The aim of the designers has been to recreate the tactile experience using this style trend.

This style is supposed to heighten the connection between the user and the design. Expect to see this trend in buttons, search bars, and text boxes throughout this year in website designs. This website design style is expected to tick in the year 2021.

9: Scrolling Transformations

When users scroll, it conveys more than just navigation. It is like interacting with the page. When scrolling with a mouse on the screen creates a response, they are likely to get more engaged with the page and this may help them to pick up interest in the product or service. Expert designers at website design Dubai companies are ramping up their skills in this area.

One technique is in which with each scroll the user is given the feeling it is a new page. Sometimes, they get the feeling that it is a new website altogether. This style in the website is predicted to fly high this year.

Final Thoughts

At the close of the day, most of the new website design trends feel more normal and less like something out of a science fiction movie. This also goes to demonstrate the fact that websites are now more commonly occurring elements in our lives that we will have to encounter more frequently than before.

Any reputed web design company in Dubai would come up with exciting web design trends for this year for your website. Do our homework diligently so that you can ask for the latest trends and get them done for your website. After all, you want your website to be attractive in 2021. This is when a product/service will gain popularity and become visible to the whole wide world.