Carbon Emission

The release of carbon in the atmosphere is called carbon emission. While discussing global warming and greenhouse effects, greenhouse gas emissions are also referred to as carbon dioxide gas emissions. Since the burning of fossil fuels has been increased, so is the increase of carbon dioxide gas in our atmosphere. This increase in carbon gas has increased global warming.

What causes the Emission of Carbon?

Carbon emission can be from both natural sources and human sources. Natural sources of carbon emission are decomposition and respiration while human sources are the burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, and production of cement in factories. Energy consumption is the biggest source for the emission of carbon. Transportation, building, construction, fuel combustion, and heat and electricity are the factors of energy consumption.


Carbon Cleaning from Cars

Car Carbon Cleaning is a process of removing carbon components from engines and cleaning them. This process cleans the engine and won’t harm your engine. To remove excess carbon from the engine that is causing running issues, the process of carbon cleaning is used. Tap water is used for this process to produce hydrogen and oxygen. Water is passed through the air intake of the engine and expelled out of the vehicle through the exhaust valve as a gas. Through this process, carbon deposits will be thrown away. The cost of the carbon cleaning process depends upon the technique which is used by the workers. This process of cleaning an engine takes 30 to 40 minutes. The final product released through this process is hydrocarbon and carbon monoxide gas. To restore the lost performance of your vehicle, a carbon cleaning process is recommended. To keep components of the engine clean, you should carbon clean your engine approximately every 15,000 miles.


How to Reduce Car Carbon Emission?

There are different ways you can use to reduce the emission of carbon gases from your vehicle.

One thing to reduce carbon emission is to drive less. If you can ride a bike or walk, try to avoid driving. However, there are 5 effective ways to reduce Carbon Emissions.

  1. If your job allows you, work from home.
  2. Drive efficiently and use pedals and breaks wisely. Ensure that you use fuels of good quality.
  3. Keep your car maintained, use motor oil that is recommended for your vehicle and get regular tunings. Good motor oil has a formula that cleans up carbon deposits.
  4. Plug-in Hybrid electric vehicles, Electric vehicles, and cleaner-burning gasoline vehicles are vehicles that are less polluting.
  5. In winters, warming up is not required for modern vehicles. Do not turn on the engine unless you are ready to drive the vehicle.



The sector of transportation is playing a big role in greenhouse gas emissions. The vehicles like cars and trucks are collectively emitting approximately 24 pounds of carbon dioxide and other different gases causing global warming. While burning one gallon of gas, around 20 pounds of carbon dioxide gas is produced. It means an average car is emitting 5 to 6 tons of carbon dioxide every year. Take the right precautions today and prevent carbon emission significantly from your vehicle!

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