Every pet owner would want their pets to be healthy and happy. You don’t’ want to see your nonhuman best-friend struggle because of negligence. Our pets need a lot of care, attention, and love to make them feel comfortable. Of course, proper nutrition is essential for your pet’s health too. As a pet owner, it is your responsibility to know how to keep your pet healthy.


Here are the 5 tips that will help you in making sure your pet is healthy!


1. Watch Their Weight


The healthiest pets are often the lightest. If your pet is getting heavy, they could be overeating, so decrease how much food you give them. Be careful not to reduce too much to lead them to be underweight. You can also increase exercise for your pet to decrease how much it eats!


You can monitor your pet’s weight by observing the following:


Always check their body condition score – a pet’s weight can vary, and a body condition score can tell if they are of the right weight.


Get to know the ideal weight for your pet – once you know your pet’s acceptable weight, you can track any excess weight or loss in weight.


When you doubt your pet’s weight, talk to your veterinarian – if you don’t feel confident with your pet’s weight, try to speak to the vet. They may conduct further tests to determine if there is something wrong. 


2. Take Good Care of Your Pet’s Teeth


Did you know that many harmful diseases can start in your pet’s mouth? Brush and floss at least once a day. Also, try not to let your pet eat gross stuff like dog poo or chocolate since these can cause cavities in their mouth that may hurt them later in life. I


If your pet develops dental disease, it may affect its ability to eat. In the long run, the pet may lose weight. In worse cases, dental diseases can cause loss of teeth, bone loss, and eroded gums. Sometimes these infections may spread to internal organs like the liver, kidney, and heart.


3. Play With Them Every Day


They need mental stimulation because keeping their brains active will make sure they grow well. Make sure to play with them for at least 5-10 minutes every day! Also, as you play with your pet, get them something clean and spongy to chew. As they chew, they keep their teeth clean as these toys remove any infectious substances that may be stuck in their mouths.


4. Take Your Pet in for a Good Checkup Every 6 Months


A vet will tell you how healthy your pet is and what you can do to keep it that way. Also, take special care of their teeth during these visits because the vet will be able to clean out any harmful bacteria or infections that may have formed in their mouth! Be sure to get affordable pet insurance, so that you are covered if anything goes wrong. 


5. Invest in Their Overall Health


Also known as spaying and neutering, this prevents diseases spread by sexual activity and gives females a longer life span. Also, it reduces the chances of cancer in males too! Be sure to get this done while they’re young, so there’ll be no complications.


If your pet is not healthy or has any other problems, take them to the vet right away to help you diagnose the problem. Maybe it would be best if you researched about this first before bringing your pet to the vet. Remember, take care of yourself first because you can’t care for your pet when you are unhealthy.