More or less every prestigious college asks you to write an application essay and send that with your application form. These essays unlike regular essays are more of a personal statement that lets the authorities know what made the students choose the particular area of study and the college they are applying to. Based on the quality of the application essay the authorities decide whether the students are fit for that college or not. This is why students are very particular about writing college application essays. They are aware of the fact that rejection of these essays can be disastrous for them. They might end up losing the opportunity to study in their dream colleges. Online services like SourceEssay are well aware of the repercussions students might face because of submitting inferior quality college essays and have introduced admission essay help for academic students.

Easy Steps To Write A Flawless Application Essay

Here are five easy steps that can help students write quality application essays.

  • Start Writing 3 Months Prior To The Application Date

Application essays are not something that you can write in the last minute. It has to be exceptionally written in order to be accepted.  We students who are thinking of applying to reputable universities should start working on their essays at least three months prior to the application date.  It helps students write without getting stressed and also gives them ample time to proofread the essay and do the necessary corrections before they submit their application forms. Further students also get the privilege to change the topic of the essay if they intend to when they have time in hand.

  • Do Not Stick To One Topic

Usually students are assigned a particular topic when they write university essays. But this is not the case for application essays. Since it is a personal statement students can try their hands in multiple topics based on their reasons of application to the particular university and check which one suites them most. Therefore, we recommend students to keep an open mind while writing an application essay and try their hands on multiple topics before they finalize one.

  • Write An Intriguing Story

Since the college authorities go through numerous applications in a day it is necessary that your application essay retains their attention. Students should focus on writing an intriguing story when writing an application essay. The essay should be written in a way that it leaves an impression on the readers.

  • Get Hold Of Samples To Get A Fare Idea About The Structure And Style

It is obvious for students who are applying in a reputable university for the first time to face issues while writing applications essays because of lack of experience. Students can however get assignment help Melbourne from SourceEssay experts and ask them for samples of application essays that have been accepted to get a clear idea of how the essay should be written. It increases their chances of getting the essay accepted.

  • Get Your Application Essay Proofread By Certified Professionals

Most importantly, students should get their application essays proofread by certified experts who make sure there are no factual errors or grammatical mistakes before they send their essays for submission. They also check if the essay is compiling with the university standards before they deliver it to the students.


Therefore to write an exceptionally high-quality application essay students need to start writing the essay at least 3 months prior to the application, the essay should be intriguing and free from errors and students should positively get the essays proofread by professionals before sending it for submission in order to get the essays accepted.