Is that nagging pain in your back and neck hampering your daily activities? Have you been reaching for those painkillers to reduce the pain in your neck and back? Are the daily headaches making it difficult for you to focus?

If you have been involved in a car accident recently you are most probably facing the above problems, especially if you have not got yourself evaluated by a car accident specialist. Your primary care physician may prescribe some pain medication or some topical ointment to alleviate your neck and back pain. But such solutions do not really help cure car accident injuries. Instead the cause of the pain needs to be treated rather than the symptom.

Chiropractors are experts at evaluating and diagnosing car accident injuries. They specialize in treating car accident-related trauma and that too without drugs or surgery.

By now it is clear to you that painkillers are not the answer to your car accident injury pain. What you require is a natural and holistic process that can help you recover from your car accident injury.

This is where chiropractic care comes in.

In this article we will focus on three types of car accident injuries that can benefit from chiropractic care.

3 Car Accident Injuries That Heal Well with Chiropractic Care

  1. Whiplash

Though whiplash is one of the most common injuries sustained during a car accident, many car accident victims fail to treat it on time. This is because whiplash takes time to surface after a car crash. But a delay in treatment can lead to immense pain that in turn can affect quality of life.

Whiplash is sustained when during a collision the head and neck are violently jerked backward and forward. This sudden jerking can cause the neck muscles, tendons, and ligaments to tear and become injured.

No amount of painkillers can help with whiplash unless the cause of the injury is treated. Chiropractic care involves treating the soft tissues and the cervical vertebrae with spinal adjustments and massage therapy.

After some chiropractic sessions as your whiplash pain begins to subside, your chiropractor will train you to do some easy stretches. During the rehabilitative phase, exercises help increase the range of motion and cause the trauma to heal faster by boosting blood supply to the site of injury.

  1. Back Injuries

Both high and low-impact collisions can cause back injuries. Car accident victims make the mistake of assuming that low-impact collisions do not lead to injuries.

During a car accident it is the back that bears the major brunt of the crash. This can cause the muscles, nerves, ligaments, and tendons of the back to get strained and injured. The site of the injury can get inflamed and swell up.

Sometimes victims also report of tingling and numbness in the back or down the legs. You can keep a look out for the following symptoms: pain and swelling, numbness or tingling, pain radiating to the lower extremities, stiffness and soreness, muscle spasms, difficulty standing and walking.

The best care you can give your injured back is to get it evaluated and checked by a chiropractor after a car accident. Chiropractors carry out a thorough examination of your back and, if required, may also carry out some imaging tests, such as x-rays or MRI.

This helps them get a clear idea of the severity of your back injury along with getting to know if there is any internal injury such as a fracture. An early diagnosis can save you from suffering immense pain as well as keep your back injury from getting worse.

  1. Herniated Disc

Ever wondered why even a low-impact crash can cause pain and discomfort in the neck or back? During a collision whether high or low, it is the spine that bears the maximum impact.

The force can damage the vertebrae as well as intervertebral discs. If the force is excessive it can even fracture a vertebrae.

One of the most common injury of the spinal column is herniated disc. The cushion like discs between the vertebrae slip out from their original position and pinch and press the nerves surrounding them. This causes a lot of pain and discomfort.

At times the force of the collision can also cause a disc to rupture. Though a ruptured disc does not cause pain it is the nerves that it compresses that cause unbearable pain.

When you go to a chiropractor to get your herniated disc treated, you go through sessions of spinal manipulations. During this procedure the bulging disc is coaxed back into its original position. When the intervertebral disc returns to its previous location, the nerves it presses are released and pain is alleviated.

Chiropractic Care And Car Accident Injuries

Chiropractic care does not depend on medications or surgical procedures to treat accident injuries. It uses a natural and holistic approach for healing. Car accident injuries such as whiplash, spinal injuries, and head injuries if not treated on time or if treatment is left midway, can lead to a lot of painful conditions in the long run.

If you want to escape the unbearable pain and are looking for a solution that will improve your quality of life, you can opt for chiropractic care after a car accident. If you are in Miami you can call 305-389-9040 and speak to our experienced car accident chiropractors. You can also visit our website: for more details regarding accident injury treatment.