Getting to finally have the horse you always wanted and training for races together certainly is the best thing. However, even though you both can be outstanding at the races, you always need to prioritize a few things and take them seriously.

Horses Wellbeing

When you speak about the wellbeing of your house, there is quite a few details to it, which you would already know as an experienced horseman. The first thing, obviously, would be nutrition and health. Horses, like human and other animals require the right feeds in order to maintain the right levels if nutrition.

When it comes to a horse involved in racing, you know that the nutritional requirements and the method of care it requires could vary according to circumstance. Even though these creatures are born with great strength and abilities, it still becomes your responsibilities to give them proper attention, particularlybefore and after a race.

Apart from food and nutrition, you also need to make sure your horse is safe and protected at all times. You could use the right types of horse gear in order to protect him from injury and pain. Additionally, you will see that your horse is safe from external harm, especially while you are not around, and when your horses are at the stables, or at the races.

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Your Wellbeing

You should make sure you never neglect yourself; your safety and your wellbeing, too. It is very important that you use the correct gear that gives you enough protection during your races. Additionally, make sure you use durable and suitable accessories, such as a bit and whips to help you communicate with and control your horse. These are little things that could help you avoid risks and save you, your horse, and those around from harm and injury.

The Environment

Youprobably know that horses are greatly affected by their environments. They can also easily react to them before you even notice. That is the reason you need to makes sure nothing in the surroundings – people, objects, or situations, irritate or upset your horse in any way. As its rider, this becomes your too responsibility.

Make sure there isn’t too much of noise, too much of action, especially the type your horse would dislike, and people who try to bother or bully your horse. A pleasant and undisturbed environment is good for your horse and for everyone else.


Weather is something you should never forget to consider, especially when it comes to races. As strong as your horse can be, it still would not be alright to take them out amidst a storm, heavy winds or heavy showers. This you would know instantly if you consider your horse as human as yourself, too.

Drastic weather can affect your horse’s health and wellbeing, as well as its performance. This, if you want to consider taking part in the races, makes you take a look at the weather forecast, and don’t hesitate to refuse participation if it would do you both some good.