Angular 8 is the standard JavaScript framework for creating SPA websites. It is one of the most popular frameworks for developing modern and scalable applications on the client-side. If you want to be a front-end or full-stack developer, or even if you’re already into web development, it’s almost mandatory to learn Angular 8. Therefore, an Angular certification course is the best idea to learn angular 8 and be ready to be a developer.
Angular 8 has taken a quality leap over previous versions of the framework, such as AngularJS. Angular 8 is a client-side framework based on Typescript and used to create dynamic web applications. To learn all angular versions along with the angular 8, take the help of angular training in hyderabad.
If you want to learn angular then the angular 8 tutorials will be very helpful to you.
Angular 8 tutorial on a local web server
The Angular 8 uses Web pack 4 to transpile the Typescript and bundle Angular 8 modules together. The webpack-dev-server is used for the local webserver. To learn more about using Webpack with TypeScript, you can consult the Webpack documentation with angular training in Hyderabad..
- Install NodeJS and NPM
- Download or clone the source code for the tutorial
- Install the npm packages by running the command npm install in the project root directory where the package.json is located.
- Start the application by running the command npm start in the project root directory.
- Your browser should automatically open at the address http://localhost:8080 with the login page displayed.
Main features of Angular 8
Angular 8 has been out a few months ago and includes many useful new features that developers are already using. Google’s popular angular 8 frameworks, popularly known as client-side web framework, continue to develop, and the latest major release includes features that focus on performance, stability, and tools. Here’s a list of the top 5 new features to the framework, along with a bonus at the end.
Following are the main new features of Angular 8
- Differential load
The attributes in the tag of your index.html file allow the browser to request the most appropriate package; modern browsers will request a package that uses the ES2015 JavaScript syntax. It will be significantly smaller than the legacy package uses the ES5 syntax to maintain compatibility with older browsers. Differential loading is enabled by default for new applications created with CLI version 8. Still, you can easily enable this feature in your existing applications by upgrading to Angular 8, adding a configuration file from the list of browsers and setting the “target” option in your tsconfig.json file to “es2015”. The result? Your users with modern browsers get a smaller package that loads faster and puts a bigger smile on their face.
- Create web workers with the CLI
Angular 8 framework makes it simple than ever to use web workers to hold CPU exhaustive tasks in your app. Angular CLI version 8 includes a new schema used with the ng generate a command to create and update the files needed in your project to add a new web worker. The new and updated files include a basic template for your new web worker, so you need not worry about the boilerplate syntax and more promptly focus on writing the code you want to run in a background thread. An angular online Training will help in creating web workers with the CLI.
- Constructor and Workspace API
Even though they are almost certainly not a feature you will make use of in each and every project, But Angular 8 also comprises new APIs that permit you to make a custom build and show commands by using hooks in a recognizable way, test, and run the commands. The new APIs are also accessible that permit you to open and work with the space defined in your file, which reduces the amount of manual maneuvering necessary to arrange your project perfectly. To learn more about constructor and workspace API, do an angular Online Training course.
- A new guide to old features
The Angular team included a new depreciation guide with Angular 8 to make it easier for developers to keep track of depreciated APIs and features. This guide’s creation should not be misconstrued as a warning that deprecations will be released to the developer community with little time to remedy them. The Angular team has vowed to support the features of two major releases after they were officially deprecated. The resulting stability in the framework and helpful depreciation guidance should ease the transition from those older features.
To learn more about other features of angular 8, you can refer to different angular online training programs.