A robo-advisor also known as robo-advisor is one of the most prominent digital platforms with algorithm-driven integrated financial planning. The platform doesn’t offer any human supervision services. Due to the popularity of these financial planning services, many people have looked up “Find a Financial Advisor Near Me,” hence, several robo-advisors have been brought abou

The robo-advisors collect the client information (financial situation and future goals). Based on the data, they make sure to advise the client what would be the best investment to get maximum returns. The Best Robo-Advisor 2020 has been looking forward to offering a range of services such as security features, determined customer service, portfolio management, low fees, competitive education and enhanced goal and financial advice.


The first robo-advisor was developed back in 2008 and came into use from 2010 owing to the Great Recession. Although the technology wasn’t new, it did play an important role in boosting portfolio allocation.

Ever since then, the robo-advisors have been upgraded using the modern portfolio theory (MPT). The Best Robo Advisor 2020 can handle a range of complex tasks like financial advice for investment selection, retirement planning and tax-loss management. Hence, they have played an important role in boosting investment management.

Hiring a Robo-advisor

Working with a Robo-Advisor in 2020 involves you taking a risk assessment. You will need to answer a questionnaire in order to get the best results, so that the advisor can have proper knowledge about your financial condition and how much you want to grow within a timeframe.

Online platforms are one of the greatest ways to get in touch with robo-advisors. However, a lot of digital platforms offering robo-advising are dependent on demographic information. The Generation X investors and millennials seem to be more confident using these digital financial advisors USA. They work towards providing accurate information in terms of wealth management. Most of the robo-advising firms have been using social media as a tool to reach out to the millennial generation who may be interested in making investments.

Everyday, security features within the robo-advising digital platforms are being improved to reach out to the masses. One of the recent research has shown that most retired people and people between the age of 53 to 64 years prefer using digital platforms for managing their finances.

Best Robo-advisor 2020

The robo-advisors have become a trend in today’s time. With each passing day, there is so much opportunity to improve and grow. This has been helpful for investment and financial management, along with proper retirement planning.

  • Standalone Robo-advisors.
  • Legacy Offerings of Robo-advisors.

The robo-advisors work thoroughly in consideration with the information provided by the user which sometimes may be wrong. This can backfire and harm your financial management schedule.