Ear pain is unbearable and can be very harmful if not treated on time. There are two types of ear pain primary otalgia and secondary Otalgia. If the pain causes within the ear, it is called primary otalgia and, if it comes outside the ear then, it is called secondary otalgia. Some of the ear pain can be cured at home, but if the situation gets worst, you need to see the best ear specialist.


In this blog, we are sharing the common causes and symptoms of ear pain, along with their treatment and preventions.




This is the most common type of ear pain that usually occurred in children. This is caused by the infection in the inner ear canal, which is a tube connected to the outer inner and the eardrum.


Some common symptoms of the otitis are:

  • itchiness or irritation
  • difficulty in hearing
  • discharge from the ear


Sinus infection


Sinus infection is another common sharp pain in the ear caused by sinuses infection. 


3 main sinuses infections are 

  • otitis
  • sinusitis
  • mastoiditis


Temporomandibular disorder


Commonly known as TMD, is a condition that mainly affects the jaw connected to the jawbone and skull. It is not that harmful usually, it gets treated by own.


Commons symptoms of TMD are

  • Difficulty in opening the mouth
  • locking the jaw


Foreign object in the ear

The ear may pain due to the insertion of a foreign object in the ear canal. It mainly occurs in children. 


It can cause

  • Sharp pain
  • hearing difficulty
  • drainage from ear


Usually sharp ear pain can be cured at home, following some home remedies. If the pain lasts more than 3 days, then you need to see a doctor. 


Home remedies 


Minor to moderate ear pain can be cured at the home. A  warm or cold compress can get rid of sharp ear pain.




  • Do not use Q-tips or finger to remove ear wax.
  • Take care while bathing and prevent shampoo from entering the ear
  • Avoid smoky environment


When to need a doctor


In the case of bleeding or discharging, the doctor’s advice becomes mandatory. An ear specialist will treat sharp ear pain by giving you pain relief medicines such as acetaminophen and ibruphen.


Ear pain cause discomfert and need a proper treatment. If you are looking for the ear speacilist for best treatment, then concern to Dr Ashesh Bhushan the best ENT doctor in Greater Noida. Also, Sharp ear pain may cause major health issues , and need immediate attention.