Are you a new blogger and you know how to write? Then all you need to know is how to rank your article. In order to rank your article, it is very easy to write on your favorite topic but it might seem very difficult to make your article SEO friendly. But it is very important for you to make your content SEO friendly in order to make it rank on google. These days every blogger must know SEO and the importance of SEO but if you are a beginner then first start with writing and then gradually become an SEO specialist so that you are able to identify the lack in your article and start to rank your article in the search engine.

Writing blogs require certain skills, such writing skills will help your article and blog to rank in a better manner. A better SEO will drag more readers to your site naturally without ant effort, Make sure that your article is interesting enough if your readers start liking your article only then they will read and share and subscribe to your article.

But there are some important Search Engine Optimization tips that a new blogger must keep in mind while writing their blog.

Top 7 SEO Tips for New Blogger

There are many important tips for new bloggers who will be able to do Successful Business Through SEO but the most important among them have been mentioned here below:

Keyword Research

Do a great study of keyword, and try to find out your competition, try to make a list of the required keyword and try to implement them in your content. You will need time and some keyword tools to find out the best keyword for your product and content.  You can also use google tools to find out the best keyword suitable for your content. You can make your business successful through correct SEO.

Content is the King

The website should be reader-friendly, whatever you put on your website and in the content, it must be reader-friendly. Make sure that you write something really well in the content and the content should be the king of all. The content must not be written just for the sake of writing, it must be well informative and interactive in a manner that through your writing, people are able to connect you easily.

While doing your research part, also find out who will be benefitted from this and they become your target audience. Knowing your Target audience is very important when it comes to making awareness. Make your content such that you are able to reach out to maximum readers.

Optimize your Title

The title is the first thing that your reader will see in your article, so make sure that you optimize your title well. Make your title more appealing, the more appealing it will be, the more will the clicks will it get. You can also add alternate titles, make everything optimized as much as possible. The more you optimize the better your article would rank.

Language is Important

Write as you talk, it is very important for you to write in a manner that you talk about any topic. The conversational language of your writing helps your reader to connect to you and pay attention to whatever you say. You must be wondering how can that be helpful? If your writing has the same throw as that of your conversation has then it will help you to make a better impression on your reader and while they read they will feel as if someone is talking to them.

Optimize Meta Tags

While you write your article and publish it, you must also optimize your meta tags, which will help you rank better. Meta tags are HTML tags that will help your search engine to find you efficiently and show you as a result of the search. New bloggers might have no idea about the meta tags but in order to make a post on the search engine, it is important to know how to optimize your meta tag and how to make your article rank using the meta tags.

Use Headings

Apart from titles, the best article must have some H1-H6 along with great LSI keywords. It is important to use headlines and not only headlines, but your headlines must also be optimized properly. Your headline must have proper usage of keyword and used correctly in connection to the topic that you write. The most important result is to optimize your title and then the H1 and then all other headings and finally the content from within. All the paragraphs must be well optimized so that your article ranks properly.

Formatting is Important

Formatting of your article is very much essential, a monotonous look of an article does not attract readers. Readers must format their article using Bold, italics underline or maybe bullets or by using pictures. Remember pictures are very important, without the picture nothing looks good. In this digital world, everyone likes to read a creative and colorful article and the challenge lies in making people read your content.

Why would people read your content when there are thousand other contents on the internet, you have to make yourself stand out. You must know how can you make yourself stand out and you have to give them reasons to read your article. Formatting of the article is necessary to make it your readers drawn towards your article.


There are many other Search Engine Optimization tips for new bloggers but as far as the new bloggers are concerned you must follow the above mentioned 7 tips. The above mentioned 7 SEO tips are very important for new bloggers to make their article rank in google or any other search engine.