If you are a student, then you are no stranger to the pressure of buying new books each semester and the ding it puts on your budget. Buying and selling textbooks is a part of every student’s life, but when done the right way, you will be able to earn back a lot of the money that you spent on buying books.
Selling used books is not only the best way to earn your money but also helps you declutter your home and space after you are done with your course.
In this article, we will tell you how to get the best price for your old textbooks. Read on to know more.
Maintain the condition of your book
Before choosing a Cheap Online Bookstore to sell your textbooks online, you need to honestly assess their condition. It will save you not only effort but also time and money when looking for a buyer. For instance, books that have suffered water damage or have torn pages will probably not fetch you a buyer. Even if you do find one, be prepared to get a very low buyback price for it.
Make sure they have bookbinding
The condition of your textbook matters a lot. Therefore, you must invest in bookbinding to ensure that they don’t fall apart after a year’s rough use. Each page needs to be secured into the original binding. If you find that the pages have detached, then the buyer will not accept them in that condition.
Missing pages
If you are planning to sell your old textbooks to an online store or fresh batch of students, then you have to treat your books responsibly. Any missing or torn pages will render that book useless to the buyer. The basic quality standard means that there are no rips or detached pages because then you would not be able to sell the books online. If you have a textbook that has missing pages, then you must target students on the campus who will be willing to buy them from you at a discounted price.
Water damage
Another most common and popular damage that can happen to your textbooks is from a water spill or worse coffee/cola spill. Coffee stains and water damage makes your book unsightly and also makes it difficult to read the part where it got stained. This is the reason, many students are switching to eBooks that they can download on their devices. These books are not only cheap but also immune to such accidents. Even if you do ruin your iPad or tablet, you can still view these books on your smartphones and laptops. However, if you are still planning to sell the books at the end of your session, then try to avoid wrinkled pages and water spills.
Scribbling notes
Most textbooks these days come with practice tests and workbooks at the end of the lesson. While it is tempting to write your answers there, you should avoid doing that if you want to sell your books later. You can, instead, take a print of that page and use it as an extra worksheet if you would like to attempt the test questions. Any markings or notes scribbled in the books will also make them unsellable. So make sure you are maintaining the condition of these books from the start to earn some cash in the end.
Tips to keep your books in good condition
Now that you have all the information about selling your old textbooks for some cash, you must know how to maintain their quality to get accepted by online sellers. Here are some useful tips that will come in handy.
– Always keep the pages clean: as has been discussed above, you should always ensure that the pages of your textbooks are free from scribbled notes and water spills to be accepted by an online buyer. For any practice tests at the end of the lesson, you should use extra sheets.
– Be mindful of your textbook when eating: As a habit, always remember to remove your textbooks from the table before you start eating. The unsightly marks from ketchup and food drops will make them unsellable.
– Never fold the corners: Rather than making dog ears in your books, buy sticky notes to mark the important sections. You can easily peel them off when you are done without damaging the book.
These are some helpful tips and suggestions that you can use to make your textbooks sellable after your session is complete. If you want to save more money on your textbooks, then you should consider them buying them online. Be sure to check for ongoing promotions and discounts for greater savings.