A lot of times advertising and marketing messages intended for your target audience never even reaches them. The most common reason for this is that they might not be receptive towards it. For instance, if you stream ads over, TV or the Internet, people might end up tuning it out or end up skipping it altogether. This is why you need more concrete ways to appeal to your prospects.
To do this, you can use printed beer mats in an effective way to capture their attention. Beer mats or coasters make for perfect giveaways especially if you are in the hospitality industry. But its not restricted to it.
Businesses can use it as a powerful promotional tool at exhibitions and conferences and at networking events to stand out from your competition.
Custom Beer Coasters for Business Promotion
In case you are wondering, beermats keep tables spill-free but there’s scope for businesses to get a bit more out of these handy little squares and circles. This is where personalising beer mats come into the picture as you can print information related to your business with your logo, contact number, website and more. Plus you get two sides to get all the relevant information printed for your prospects.
Promote Your Business By Designing Your Own Beer Mats
Printed beer mats are tangible marketing tools that are useful and extremely handy. That’s because people can take these custom beer coasters home where they might end up looking at it several times. This means your business remains on top of your customer’s mind which will breed brand recognition and increased visibility.
Moreover, beer mats can be treated as an informal promotional tool as it is natural for people to receiver personalised coasters in various settings.
Designing Your Own Printed Beer Mats – Things to Keep in Mind
1. Ascertain Your Marketing Goal
What do you wish to achieve with this promotional tactic? How will this aid your overall marketing campaign? You need to ask yourself all these questions before you go any further because it will determine the whole direction of your campaign.
You can achieve the following with the help of a promotional beer coaster:
- Increase brand awareness and recognition
- Invite prospective customers to try out your products and services
- Serve as an invitation to follow your business on social media platforms
- Incite customer engagement and build robust business relationships
2. Familiarise Yourself with Your Target Market
Research is an important part of any new business decision so ensure that you do your homework. Conduct extensive research on your target audience to find out what makes them tick, their likes and dislikes, their pain points and more. You can put your findings to use and design your beer mats in a manner that appeals to them and positively effects the way they perceive your brand.
3. Write Your Copy
Before you design your beer mat, ensure that you create a copy first. The business message you want to put across is important. So ensure that you pay attention to it. The design of your beer mat can be adjusted accordingly. Ensure that your copy doesn’t look too cramped in the available printing space. Concise and crisp copies are perfect for beer mat printing so keep the message short and to the point.
4. Design Both Sides of the Beer Mat
Ensure that you use both the sides of your beermat to put across your business message. You can either have similar artwork printed on both sides or print different designs depending on your message. The design you choose should go along with the message as this is what will capture people’s attention. In any case, it will be a good idea to use both sides of the beer mat to creatively put across your business message. This way, you expand your reach and visibility to people no matter which side is up.
5. Add a Call to Action
CTAs are important as the whole idea is to compel your customers to take action after they come across the message on your promotional product. You can ask your target audience to follow you on social media, reach out for more details or try out your latest product or service. When it comes to your customers, ensure that you leave no stone unturned as you provide them with ways to learn more about your business.
Final Thoughts
With printed beer mats you not only promote your business but also give your customers a useful promotional tool. You add more value to your offerings which goes a long way in creating a good brand image. Keep these tips in mind to make the most of this promotional tactic.