You spend weeks and months finding a designer wedding dress or getting a custom-made. Not only you, but even your family and friends get involved in deciding bridal attire because they want you to look the best. You take several rounds of the market or visit your designer so that nothing goes wrong.

With so much effort, you would certainly get a wedding gown of your choice. But your effort would go to waste if the gown is not handled properly. In most cases, people think their responsibility is over and they are ready for the wedding day after receiving the delivery of their custom-made or designer wedding dress. But they forget that gowns are delicate and they need proper care.

In this blog, we will discuss the tips to handle the wedding gown before and after the wedding so that you can keep your wedding memories alive forever.

Before the wedding:

Transportation should be safe 

A designer wraps the gown appropriately so that it does not get damaged during transportation. You should ensure that wrap as it is and nothing is distorted. In case the gown is not packed properly, you should get an appropriate garment bag. Besides, for extra safety, you should use uncoloured and acid-free tissue papers.


Wear the gown at the last minute

We know you are excited to wear the gown and walk the aisle but you should be patient and wait until the last minute. Putting on the gown will help you avoid any food, drink, makeup, or hairspray stains and protect your wedding dress.

After the wedding:

Use a garment bag or box

You should use a garment bag or box for storing your wedding gown. The garment bags are very different from those of plastic bags. If you store the gown in a plastic bag, it will trap moisture and lead to the growth of mold and mildew. Also, it will turn the dress yellow.

When storing in the bag or box, you should insert layers of tissue papers for proper folding. Also, paper tissues will keep your dress soft and avoid creases.

Hang or lay it flat properly 

If you storing your wedding gown in the box, you should lay it as flat as possible. You should not stuff the dress in the box. On the other hand, if you are using a garment bag, you should hand it properly with the help of the loops inside. You should avoid stretching and sagging.

Consult the cleaning experts

You should never try cleaning your wedding gown at home because it’s very tricky and needs lots of precautions. One mistake while cleaning will destroy your expensive designer wedding dress and you will lose it forever. You should leave cleaning in the hands of the professionals.


Now you know the effective tips to handle your wedding gown. So, keep it safe until your dream day arrives and never say goodbye after the wedding is over.