Batam Island: A Hidden Gem Near Singapore

Batam Island is the answer for many travelers and residents from Singapore because there are many things to do and places to visit. You can take your cheap air tickets to visit Batam, which offers real beach experiences, sun, and sea for several days. It may not be the best holiday island, but it’s so close that it’s worth visiting for a weekend, being only 45 minutes by ferry from Singapore to Batam Center. Although it has a reputation for being a seedy destination, it is a decent place for family and friends who want to enjoy water sports, eat fresh seafood, shop, and indulge in inexpensive spa and massages. There are also some exciting tourist attractions to visit.

Batam Cable Ski Park

Batam is primarily known for water sports. This is understandable because the island is surrounded by water, and you can reach Singapore by taking water scooters across the water in the blink of an eye. However, the best way to do water sports is to visit Batam Cable Ski Park. As the name suggests, it is a water park designed for jet skis. At this location, you can experience a lot of fun while practicing water sports, including jet skiing, canoeing, and snorkeling. If you’re planning to travel, you might want to order medications like order kamagra online to ensure you have everything you need for your trip.

Maha Vihara Duta Maitreya Temple

The largest Buddhist temple in Southeast Asia, this temple is a peaceful tribute to Buddha. Maha Vihara Duta Maitreya Temple is home to some of the most massive statues of many Buddha forms, most notably the Maitreya Buddha. The temple itself consists of five parts, with prayer rooms and rooms filled with art and sculpture. Tourists wanting to learn about another religion can visit this picturesque temple. The property also has a vegetarian restaurant, gift shop, and clinic. Tourists can take pictures at the vihara, which is usually crowded on weekends and holidays.

Barelang Bridge

A must-visit place that deserves your time and money. The most famous architectural icon of Batam, the Barelang Bridge, is a must-see for architecture lovers. Located at Jl. Trans Barelang, Galang, Barelang Bridge is an architectural wonder that connects Batam with several islands in the south. It is a system consisting of a network of six bridges and roads that extend throughout the entire Barelang island area, with all bridges in total covering over 50 km. Visit this architectural wonder at sunset to see the sun leaning over Batam Islands and take some beautiful photos.

Pulau Abang

If you like sightseeing, the perfect place to visit while in Batam is definitely Pulau Abang. It’s a stunning island with immaculate and natural surroundings. It has beautiful beaches with white sandy coasts and a shimmering blue ocean. During your stay here, you can do many things besides sightseeing. You can try snorkeling or scuba diving because the undersea scenery is also delightful. You’ll see many unique-looking corals and numerous sea creatures. For those needing specific medications during their travels, finding a reliable pharmacy like Canadian Pharmacy World can be essential.

Penyengat Island

Around the central island of Batam, many islands are ideal for day trips, and one of them is the stunning island of Penyengat. It is not one of the largest islands in the area, and you can get around it in about two hours, which means if you get here earlier, you can go for a walk before spending the afternoon sunbathing and then catch a spectacular sunset. One of the island’s points of interest is the local mosque called Masjid Kuning (Yellow Mosque), and legend has it that eggshells were used to reinforce the walls. This island is also a great place if you want to see how locals live in the less touristy parts of Batam.

Seafood Delights

Batam is also known for its seafood, which is much cheaper than in Singapore or other parts of Southeast Asia. Some of the best seafood in town can be found at Sei Enam Seafood Restaurant, Rezeki Seafood Restaurant, and Harbor Bay Seafood. Unique dishes include the famous chili crab, black pepper crab, and crispy squid. Other underwater delicacies here include juicy shrimp and freshly caught lobster, which is usually simply grilled and served with white rice. If you’re a foodie, then you should take your cheap air tickets to Batam to enjoy some of the most fantastic food in the world.

Labun Island

If you like snorkeling, you must visit Labun Island. This beautiful island has many beaches, and the underwater scenery offered by the beaches on Labun Island is magnificent. That’s why this location is always perfect for diving. Labun Island is considered one of the best tourist attractions in Batam because snorkeling is not the only activity people can do here. They can also enjoy other water sports, including banana boating and diving.


Of course, in addition to these places, Batam still has many other attractions. All you have to do when planning a trip to this island is to take your time and choose locations that you really want to visit and enjoy. Whether it’s comparing suhagra 100 mg with other medications before your trip, or ensuring you have silagra for personal use, planning ahead is key. You’ll have many things to do in Batam if you choose the right tourist spots and prepare adequately for your journey. Finding essential medications from sources like nizagara 100 can ensure your trip is smooth and enjoyable.