Buying a car is a huge investment, one that results in a financial drain in most. You may be tempted to use your credit card to make this purchase. However, if you do so, you will only increase your credit card debt. And if you already have borrowed a lot from the credit card company, it is time to consider paying cash for cars Adelaide car-owners. 

Why Pay Cash for Cars?

  • You Spend Less with Cash: 

A credit card often creates an illusion of having the ability to buy more than we can afford. However, with cash, you know your limit. Moreover, when you don’t borrow, you don’t have to pay back, thereby saving up on a heavy interest rate, over time. 

  • You Achieve Financial Discipline: 

When buying a car with cash, you will need to save up money for the purchase, systematically. You will need to adjust your cash flow to meet several other monetary needs. This inculcates discipline in the way you manage your finances. 

  • Forces You to Prioritize: 

When you look back on what you have spent your money on, you will see a lot of unnecessary purchases. When you have a big life goal like saving up for a car, you will automatically learn to prioritize the important financial investments and stop overspending. As such, you will start creating a plan for yourself. 

How to Pay Cash for Cars?

  • Consider What You Can and Should Afford: 

When buying a car with cash, never depend on dealers to know what you can afford. Do your own research. The final decision should take into account your financial situation and goals for the future. Moreover, know the difference between what you can and should afford. When buying a car, make sure you buy one that suits your needs and not the trends. Also, consider how this purchase will impact your life. 

  • Set a Budget and Have a Plan: 

If buying a car (or a new one) is a future goal, make sure you have a budget in your mind. Once you have that, you can then focus on saving up for your purchase. However, the only way you can successfully save up is by having a plan. This holds true especially for those who have house purchase, family expansion, retirement savings, children’s education, or an educational debt to worry about. 


Paying cash for cars is a tough choice and can drain your savings account. However, in the long run, it is always a better option than piling up your credit card debt. Not only are you saving upon interest, but you may also get discounts when using cash. However, be mindful of your life goals and priorities when buying the car.