Leather travel bagsĀ are also widely available, and especially when you take into consideration the Internet. Leather bags also give great flexibility in design and can include many fashionable and practical features. Unlike faux/synthetic leather travel bags, real leather travel bags are extremely strong and durable, they maintain their shape, they will not crack and fade and they have an integral element of style and ingenuity which is their synthetic the counterparts find it difficult to match.
Leather travel bags have a distinctive and pleasant feel and smell, and mature in a positive way rather than spoil. Although they are derived from living things, and therefore may be less ethical in that regard, at the end of its useful life, leather will dissolve unlike plastic, so they are in fact a long-term environmentally friendly alternative. Most high-quality leather travel bags can last a lifetime for the traveler though, and this long term price can offset the high purchase cost of leather, and the high opportunity cost of purchasing many faux/synthetic leather travel bags over time.