We often discuss how drug addiction can promote violence, anxiety, mental disorders, etc. But when it comes to violence, we only consider how an addict is going to harm his/her surroundings and whether his/her reaction can be a criminal offense or not. We never talk about suicidal attempts. It is a criminal offense too. I also had developed such intentions in my dark days with drugs and did try to attempt suicide two or three times. But thankfully, sublocade doctors near me understood what was going wrong with me and diagnosed the best possible treatment for the same.
I realized that the choice to end something comes from frustration over its failure, and for suicide, it remains the same also. While attempts to end your life can come from personal misinterpretations, addiction can tempt you more for that. However, no matter how much the situations get worsen, there are several trajectories you can follow to turn back to your engaging life and prevent suicide. Sublocade treatment doctor believe patients should analyze their motivation and thoughts to understand more about their hopelessness. And thus, they can find the most suitable solution also.
Getting depressed
Life always doesn’t go as you expect. Sometimes there will be up and downs also. But when those stressors tempt you to take drugs as a temporary escape, you must note that the damages have been severe. Throughout their experience, sublocade treatment doctors have seen that patients like me at first enter a phase of depression. In those days, drug victims nurture their thoughts and negativity around them and decide whether to live or die. There are several signs that could tell if you are going through the same phase also.
- Emptiness or hopelessness.
- A tendency to stay isolated from others or work separately
- Disruptive sleep and irregular hours of tiredness
- Lack of energy to do the most straightforward works also
- Frequent thinking of what your life has offered to you and only getting some negatives in that
- Losing interest in group-activities and fun programs
- Difficulties with concentration
- Losing appetite and consuming drugs all the times
Being over-dependent on drugs
I started consuming alcohol and then got indulged in drug addiction later. There were certain factors that forced me to take addiction as healing, but I never realized that I was doing the wrong. After receiving my sublocade dosing, I found that excessive usage of drugs and alcohol creates disconnection in our brain apparatuses. While we get the wrong reaction in adversities, it often produces the feeling of doing offenses also. Addiction is never a way out of your problems. Instead, you will end up thinking that things would get better if I weren’t there. The more you start surrendering your decisions to drug addiction, the more you feel helpless and start thinking about how to end your life as soon as possible.
Staying single
During my office days, I had to stay alone in a guest house. As I got dependent on drugs to start a new day smooth, there was no one who could forbid me and force me out of my malpractice. Unless my parents took me to sublocade doctors near me, my addiction would have engulfed me entirely. My workload and relationship issues were always there to kick me from the backside, and addiction was only an addition to those. As the days went, I felt a little need in the world, and with a zero surrounding and support, it was becoming more difficult for me for sure.
Help is always there for your precious life
Although you don’t prefer living your stressful life, there is always some solution to make it smooth for you. sublocade treatment doctors believe that once you develop the suicidal ideation, you should seek help from your sublocade doctors near me. From my experience with addiction treatment and behavioral therapies, I learned that life is there to offer us a diverse platform of problems and its remedies. Killing it is never a clever choice. You should trust your instinct and your potential to become successful. Do try to stay calm and non-judgmental when adverse situations come. Share your thoughts with your close ones and air out your mental burden to lead a fluent life.