Do you hold a lot of tension and responsibilities on your shoulders? Sitting hunched over a computer or using a smartphone for hours every day makes you have an ugly slouched body posture which leads to chronic lower back pain.
More than 80% of the people take the support of painkillers and massages, but there are times when medication has side effects. So, why even take the risk of having any negative effects on your body when you can easily handle them with a regular practice of beginner yoga for back pain?
This piece of writing consists of one of the best yoga poses and tension that will help you in releasing some unwanted tension from your back that has been in pain for a long time.
Point To Keep In Mind: Remember to listen to your body while breathing slowly and deeply. If by any chance some yoga asana doesn’t feel good or if you are experiencing discomfort, make sure you do not continue with that particular asana. Keep your comfort zone in mind.
5 Best Asanas: Beginner Yoga For Back Pain
Sukhasana [Easy Pose]
Easy pose is the starting or opening pose for almost every yoga session. The easiest pose too. Sukhasana is performed in a position where you are sitting cross-legged. Although a very basic asanas, Sukhasana works wonder if your hips are tight and that will encourage proper spinal alignment.
Duration: Hold this particular pose 5 to 10 breaths.
Dandasana [Staff Pose]
Staff pose comes in line after Easy pose as its the second easiest pose in the history of yoga. It strengthens the back, hip flexors, lower abdominal muscles which helps in improving your posture over time.
Duration: Hold Dandasana for the same amount of time as Sukhasana.
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Ardha Matsyendrasana [Half Lord Of The Fishes Pose]
Half lord of the fishes pose or Ardha Matsyendrasana in Sanskrit is popularly known as a half spinal twist pose. This one opens up the chest, strengthens the shoulders, and improves the overall condition of your spinal health.
Duration: Hold Arsha Matsyendrasana for a maximum of 5 to 8 breaths and do not exceed.
Bhujangasana [Cobra Pose]
Cobra pose has outstanding benefits for your body. It not only increases your body’s overall flexibility but also stretches your entire chest, lower back, and shoulders. It even helps in deeply strengthening your spine, buttock area, and your calf muscles. People looking for a way to lose some weight should definitely practice this yoga pose.
Duration: Hold this pose for 8 to 10 breaths. You can exceed the limit if you’re comfortable.
Malasana [Garland Pose]
Garland pose or Malasana in Sanskrit is a sitting pose, which looks more or less like a squatting position that works on your lower back, hip region, thigh and calf muscles, and your ankles. It requires a great amount of dedication, balance, and strength to perform this asana.
Malasana is an asana that can be very easy for some and difficult for the rest. It all depends on the flexibility and stability of your body.
So, beginners, how exactly do you feel after doing all the asanas mentioned above? Great right? Do you still have doubts or are you sure that you would want to join a yoga fitness center to make yoga a part of your life after reading this article?
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