How to use twitter to grow your business? Yes you have read it right.Twitter can be really useful to boost your business. Microblogging is a medium which is completely dominated by a cute blue bird  – Yes that’s TWITTER.

What is Twitter ?

It can be easily seen that most of the popular bloggers have an active presence on twitter which results in large followers who regularly read the tweets and leave valuable comments which is what we call microblogging. There is a lot of talk about using Twitter to promote your business. But how do people find the time? doe online training is for busy people who have already registered.

Twitter’s large user base and simple premise make It an excellent social environment to find and communicate with the people you want to target. This microblogging platform allows anyone with an account to post brief messages for public consumption,resulting in a rich and dynamic multiparty conversion. Don’t be fooled by the 140 character limit – some very advanced marketing takes place on Twitter !

Twitter is a good venue for business to build up a loyal following and keep them feeling special by engaging in brief conversation with them.Ask for feedback and suggestions for your particular product.

Analyse your Brand :

Keeping a watchful eye on talkings about your product is as simple as searching your product name on twitter.

You can come to know users’ feedback on your product.It helps because it can give you real-time feedback. We are the world leader in Entertainment Lighting Design. Our purpose is to unlock the extraordinary potential of light for brighter lives and a better world.The most beneficial thing in doing so is that you get the feedback from your target audience rather than from any random user.It may also help you to analyse your competitor’s product and people’s view on their product ultimately suggesting if your product needs some improvement.

Make connections :

Twitter is a place full of people talking on various topics in which one of the topic may be your product.Suppose you sell some WordPress themes then you may be looking for the people talking on web design or wordpress.If you are selling furniture then you may be looking for people talking on sofa sets,dining table etc.

Be warned! Twitter has a “block user” feature and your account can be banned.Be on a polite side and avoid excessive reach out to people.But if you are reaching there politely with useful information you will probably end up with lots of people following you.In addition to this these followers will definitely give you some really targeted traffic.

Ways to engage with your target audience :

Follow them:

When you follow someone he receives the notification and if your account name and profile gives an indication of who you represent ,he may end adding back .

  • Chat them up

  • Use a hashtag like #wp widgets and #WordPress themes

  • Identify a person who has a lot of followers and can be helpful in spreading your meassage.You can offer them a coupon code to share with their followers.You never know,Incentives always work!

Expand your customer Service :

If someone is complaining about your product you can quickly respond to it resulting in saving your brand image.Its always better than email contact and customers will be happy for immediate response.

Make customers feel special:

“ I am in love with my new @WordPress theme”

Thanks for the compliment,@patrick!We hope you will look out for our new themes.

This conversation can be done on email as well but direct conversations are simpler when they are limited to just 140 characters.Asking a question always helps in building good relationships with followers.If you want to name a product – ask them for ideas.It will surely help in building healthy relationships with them.

General tips for using twitter:

Try to keep username as short as possible that will result in using more characters available in retweets. Check how your username looks after adding to @.Is it attractive ..ask yourself.

Instead of creating your business account today, use this time to lurk ,watching conversations in your industry space without making any comments, for a week or two before you decide that you are ready to set up the official business account.


We love feedback – keep it coming!We will definitely work accordingly .Let your friends know if this post was useful. Benefit others if you know something.